K. Thrace

Hamilton modernized our financial system. He deserves to be on the money. Jackson was known for crony politics and bribery. He can replace the elephant and the donkey on both parties' logos.

Leggero was the best part of the show, as I recall.

I like Natasha but I wish she'd cut back on the vocal fry thing. I know it's her schtick and that she's being (slightly) satirical, but it gets grating after a whole set.

How did you feel about the Garfunkel and Oates TV series? The best part for me was the music, but then I thought, "I could just watch their music videos instead."

Okay, now you have to explain why he didn't believe in plate tectonics. Because I find this so intriguing. What was his theory? Was he some kind of Aggasiz Great Deluge theorist?

Did you tell her that you read Sean O'Neal's original screenplay for the movie?

What about Justine? That would seem to fit your theory. The Marquis is a famous symbol of the rotten French aristocracy and its exploitation of the peasant class.

Someone said on Twitter that the governor of SC was going to go to hell because she wants to remove the flag. I'm imagining the logic of this:

But then he stays mum about it—never goes public—so that he can move up in his job and so the whole thing can be hushed over. Fig and hubby still have their money and position, which they got from their criminal acts.

She's not a good person. But he's definitely not either—I don't see any other way to interpret a scene like that. And I'm pretty sure the show wants us to realize that they're both bad people. That's why they're put together this season.

DeVine would have been a little better. He's more believably a "good-guy who is also a tool." That's basically his character in Pitch Perfect.

You're forgetting his stint on SVU, I'm sure.

Except Caputo KNEW that Fig taking money from the prison was hurting the prisoners. It was eroding their quality of life. Yet he overlooked it so that he could get a blowjob. It's a huge crime, in my book.

Piper is interesting because she never does anything in order to hurt anyone (even stealing from Whispers—they're not using the fabric! Victimless crime!). She's emotionally cheating on Alex—but as long as Alex doesn't know, how will it hurt her?

I think a part of her loves Kubra, despite herself.

But will revenge really solve the problem of stopping a serial rapist?

Upvoted for the edit—that rare moment of self-reflection. I'm totally going to start evaluating my actions with an eye to: "Is this what Piper would do?" Then I'll do the opposite.

Ruiz is clearly not stable right now.

I think Jack Black can be funny, but he was WAY miscast in this show. He's supposed to be a serious, do-gooder analyst. Jack Black is…none of those things. Nor did he try to convey any of those things. The tone was off. I believed that he would buy drugs so he could bang a chick, though.

Then why does he make every show he's on a little bit worse?