K. Thrace

A show just about Robbins' character would be worth watching. The rest of the cast was in a bad SNL skit.

But with more golf courses.

Kirk is always the worst.

Other Space needs more attention! It's a great show, with a rather unfortunate pilot. I think the pilot kept it from getting much buzz. Well, that and the fact that it's on Yahoo! screen.

The pretty blond girl? I loved her! She was the only one still attempting to act on that show.

Ugh, you're so right. And Cesar.

I always end up feeling sick when Morello gets her way, though. The stuff with Christopher last season was a real mindfuck.

But WHO would be on Team Dukat?!!

Does Poussey have a choice? She has to see Taystee every day anyway…what can she do but be her friend and long for more?

Morello is psychologically toying with a bunch of men. Considering she's somewhat psycho and certainly obsessive, this Will Not End Well.

As long as they don't Marie this great story.

This reminds me of all the Netflix reviews of the 3rd season of OITNB. Pages and pages of people complaining that the story had gone downhill because there was no murderous villain. Like a show can only be good if there is a constant threat of violence.

Thanks for the recommendation! I haven't seen many Bollywood productions. This film sounds like a fun place to start.

Pretend it only lasted three seasons, and it's an interesting show with occasional moments of greatness.

This is amazing, thanks for linking.

Brian Williams is there and everything!

I like your "Daya is damaged, not an idiot," theory. I'm going to cut her more slack.

Yes, that would be less painful. Someone needs to let Maritza know…

Your standard McMansions in the midwest tend to have 5 bathrooms (1 ensuite, 2 for the kids upstairs, 1 half-bath on the main floor, 1 full for the basement), but there's a lot of space in the midwest. I would think 5 bathrooms in Connecticut makes you significantly well-off.

I wasn't sure if Birbiglia was implying that he knew Caputo watches porn in his office, and was trying to warn him to stop, or if Birbiglia was playing that scene totally straight.