K. Thrace

Piper didn't mention that she is a huge outlier considering her demographic. She's such an outlier that she was able to write a successful book off of her experience and that spun in to a TV show. So I didn't find Piper's point to be salient at all.

Eh, she's not that great of an actress and she's surrounded by amazing actresses. I didn't find the transition to be surprising.

Legal counsel would evaluate how likely you are to get sued, how likely the plaintiff is to prevail, what the cost of settlement would be, do a cost-benefit analysis, and determine that the benefits of low-cost guards would probably outweigh the risks of a few isolated lawsuits.

I just think there has to be a better option than duct tape. So theoretically painful. Would electrical tape work instead?

But the dude has like 15 wives. I am of the opinion that Norma confessed.

I found it unlikely that Piper didn't remember MASH. That's SO a white girl middle school activity. Which is a perfect description of who Piper is.

I think I'm beginning to realize how badly Carol fucked up her kids…

For the first time ever, I'm going to forgive Piper for being an idiot about her privilege, because I don't think it's easy to imagine the kind of conditions that Daya grew up in. Piper imagines Daya growing up poor and having to share a bathroom—she does not imagine the destabilizing crazy druglord stepdads.

There's just no way that anyone could write anything as amazing as what I'm imagining the story is like in my mind.

I thought the orgy scene went on too long, as well, but mostly that was because Will looked SO UNCOMFORTABLE. It made the whole thing awkward and borderline creepy.

Someone as attractive as Will using Lito's flirting ability would, indeed, be an unstoppable force.

Thanks for that bit of trivia! Everyone in Kala's scenes always says how hot Rajan is, and I do not see it, but it's probably just my personal preference. Maybe Rajan is also not Kala's type.

Maybe some of them were sleeping and couldn't partake in orgy times.

I like this new troll. It's fun.

I'm fairly certain that she likes Piper because Piper is hot. But, to explain why her attachment to Piper is so deep, I have a pet theory that Alex wishes she could be like Piper (wealthy, well-educated). So Alex fetishizes Piper and has a deep attachment to her—despite the fact that they're incompatible.

Yes, a lot of what's on the page would come to life on the screen. And since a lot of it is internal monologue and world-building, a TV show is a far better choice than a confusing, half-baked film adaptation.

I get it. I've just seen a similar comment from people in the last few reviews, and I'm getting tired of the sentiment.

I was reading an article in the NYT about Disney laying off a bunch of IT people for a group of visa-holding immigrants. The situation sounded awful for the immigrants (who were untrained) and for the IT guys. But, actually, that sounds about like all other IT jobs in the US, so you're probably right.

Kim's booty is already pioneering this feat.

I, too, was bugged by Amanita/Nomi's lack of publicizing this. Nomi has a popular blog, for fuck's sake. People in SF would be going crazy over her plight.