K. Thrace

I'm very resistant to the idea that Riley is "useless." She's an emotional core to the group. She provides music and heart. I'd imagine that most people in the world would be "useless" if Riley is useless.

I just can't believe that anyone who would purposefully choreograph a Bollywood dance at an engagement party isn't evil.

I'm talking POV, not identity of the victim. Re-read my post.

I remember being 12 or 13 and seeing other girls act like Lito acted (basically insane) after getting their first periods. They were all overly-dramatic girls, as the levelheaded amongst us just got on with our lives. But as Lito is overdramatic, his reaction made sense to me.

My favorite parts of the show is just watching two people hang out, admiring the scenery. Experiencing the wonder of their lives. I don't know of any other show that does this as effectively as Sense8—showing how amazing it is to be in India, gazing out over London, etc., etc. Connecting with someone on a deep

My pet theory is that the reason this Sense8 collective is different from other collectives is that they have a higher-than-normal number of badasses.

I don't mean to be rude, but you're the first person I've ever communicated with who seemed happy that they were once employed by Disney.

I wonder how easy it would be for a good counselor to diagnose Morello. She's so skilled at hiding her behavior.

I hear all of this in Josh Lyman's voice.

That would make sense.

She's still so dumb, though. Her mom's story is the one that interests me.

And a job that, basically, requires sweatshop hours and little pay.

The "crazier" she gets, the sadder I am that she isn't in a mental facility, rather than a prison where she gets little to no mental help.

I'm still confused as to how she committed federal fraud.

Also, I missed how this was a *federal* crime. And wouldn't she only have been 18 years old, at most? I just can't believe she gets sent to federal prison for very long for a crime like this, but maybe I'm far too optimistic about our judicial system.

Much like the chicken, I think the squirrel is a mystery.

Interesting that you thought Watson's backstory was memorable. I remember something vague about her being in track, and I remember being shocked at how gorgeous the actress is, but that's about it.

I liked it a lot. The flashlight song was mediocre at best, though. The best musical number was the Obama one at the beginning.

That's not a high bar, but I doubt S2 reached it. I tried to watch S2 on multiple occasions, and I eventually gave up after the 3rd episode.

Gloria had a welfare fraud scheme going.