K. Thrace


Yes! He was funny. And I can imagine not being able to solve problems in the pilot—it was a stressful situation and he had low blood sugar. Everyone knows that gamers, when separated from snacks and ritalin, are prone to errors.

Defiance or TNG?

Hipster Cred Cards are so last year.

I preferred a child-friendly version of Defiance. So few sci-fi shows remind me of the kid-friendly TNGs of my youth.

Well stated.

It seemed like they wanted to copy all the characters from Firefly, but they didn't quite put it together right.

But Picard was always a soft touch. It's made her an almost entirely-different character. For the record, I like this new version of her. If Defiance wants to make a new civilization, it needs more people like Irisa, and just a few people like Nolan.

Consider getting Amazon Prime (free shipping!).

I assume she stayed because she felt like she finally found a community. Though with Tommy dead, I have no idea why she still felt that way. Maybe she and Amanda got really close?

I thought Dark Matter was okay. It was like a SGU reboot, where they got rid of (some) of what was wrong with SGU. Except they forgot to include the awesome nerd character from SGU, who was the only reason to watch that show.

Keep me updated. I'd love to discuss Defiance each week. I'm a fan of discussing in WoT.

Did you like Dark Matter?

I kind of wish the McCawleys had died last season, where it would make for a less-weird season opener. However, I'm not upset about it. I hope they kill off Linda Hamilton's character soon, as well.

The Mexican stuff is my favorite because it's tonally cheesy. The show needs something light occasionally.

I felt like it did not come across. I slowly put it together (that this must be some sort of WWII museum or memorial), but it didn't really come across to me. I thought it was a weird, abandoned park at first.

Were people not doing that back in the 1980s? We were in my house, anyway.

From what I've been told, The French Connection is also similarly detailed in its logistical depictions.

Hmmmm. I don't think people (myself included) object to the perceived injury to fictional characters. Instead, my objection is to the tone-deafness of the rape scene in GoT, where no interest was paid to how rape would affect the female victim. Instead, we saw how it affected the other (male) victim who was forced

I really hated Prepon in the first season, but I'm coming around to the concept of her and Piper, now that the show has taken both characters down a peg. Prepon's casting was pretty perfect.