K. Thrace

It's cuz I'm so angelic.

It doesn't seem like people at the prison are assigned to work duties based on their past criminal history. Otherwise, why put the Russian mobster in charge of finding vendors for the kitchen…and then putting someone who had committed financial fraud in charge of finding vendors for the kitchen…

Red's attitude kind of makes sense to me—somehow, it reminds me of how my grandma was convinced that men could help her wash up after dinner. It's not that they were too important to help her wash up. It's that they just sucked so hard at the task, that she couldn't let them touch her dishes.

I loved Alex's response. Any other prisoner would have gotten upset or talked back, she just gave him a "WTF? Go to hell, dickwad," look.

It felt lived-in, though. Groups of women do sync up, and it really can get overwhelming. OITNB has earned a little bit of women-based humor, after years of building credibility on this front.

I loved their argument about how wood could be back-ordered. Carol is getting ready to murder her son and his wife.

I thought MCC was being set up to be the villain of the season?

True. She is definitely not the worst female character ever written. But Laura Dern was so much better in the original—an original that premiered over 20 years ago. Come on, screenwriters!

HAHAHA! "Remember when we fixed up the Malibu?"

I know that you're trolling, and you legitimately don't care.

It felt like they wanted the kids to be the likable emotional cores of the movie, then Chris Pratt agreed to be in the film and they just went in that direction instead.

I remember wondering how many years it takes for the white walkers to go 5 miles. And thinking, "If Dany ends up in another abusive relationship, I will stab something."

The special effects in this film were also blah. But I saw the 2D version. Anyone see the 3D version and have a different experience?

They definitely should have gotten Chastain. The main actress was…eh. Whedon was right in his criticism of her character. Very bland and bordering on misogynist.

I was actually surprised that none of the main kid characters were female.

Oh, most definitely. I have always assumed he was Henry Tudor, who had to win his crown/marry into it/also inherit it kind of.

Not if L&R were married first, which has been implied several times in the series (at least in the books).

I thought Jackson was fantastic in Jurassic Park. My point is that D'Onofrio was not good in Jurassic World. I'm trying to figure out why the hell they cast D'Onofrio. It's not like he's an unknown quantity—he's an infamous scenery chewer.

Don't blame me. Blame The Others.