K. Thrace

Sense8 will be its next victim.

He's going to play Mellors in the upcoming Lady Chatterly's Lover adaptation! That sounds promising.

"Resurrecting [insert name here] a couple episodes later just isn't the show's style."

Arya goes blind?

Shit, did Jurassic Park come out before Pulp Fiction?!!

I dunno. I have no memory of who played Robb, really. So that probably doesn't bode well for the natural charisma of the actor. Jon Snow should be the magnetic personality that makes everyone consider him a leader.

This does happen in the books. Don't worry, I'd actually forgotten that, too, and I DID read the books.

It's important if he's part of the royal line, as he most likely is.

They should hire you for next season. Brilliant plan all around!

D'Onofrio was probably the weirdest choice. He's good fun in a corny comics setting, but his scenery chewing didn't work for me in Jurassic World. Then again, Samuel L Jackson fit in great in the original Jurassic Park movie, so maybe the director thought a zany actor was necessary to the film.

She brought a nice injection of normalcy on to the show, which I've missed in S3. I like S3, but it needs an "I'm not actually crazy" character to keep the show realistic.

I refused to watch it because of the atrocious show name. Why not just call it: "Show about vapid alcoholic"?

Yet loads of evidence that Andy Dwyer is the greatest actor.

Having read Crichton's books, I'm not upset that a movie didn't realize his vision. Crichton is a good ideas-man, and less of a good story-arc author.

I highly suspect that my problem with Danger 5 is that I've never seen its antecedents (like, I had no idea there was a Street Fighter movie).

I have seen Danger 5—I'm not a huge fan. It's not really my sense of humor. I am okay with it, but the gratuitous sexiness is an occasionally funny gag. I don't like that it's the only gag on the show.

I'm just wondering what the alternative is for making sure people show up for their petty offense court dates. It seems like cops don't have the time or manpower. Though, maybe we could end the war on drugs, leaving cops with a whole lot more time on their hands.

You HAVE to watch Being Erica. All the eps are on Youtube. You have to, have to, have to!

I, too, was in the sci-fi doldrums (that's how I ended up watching Between in the first place). But this weekend is Defiance AND Dark Matter, plus I need to start watching iZombie. Continuum should be back soon…and I just finished watching Being Erica, which I 100% recommend.

Disagree. Asians at pool parties is okay with Texas cops.