K. Thrace

Rectify is fun to fall asleep to, then pick up again on it a week later. It's got a soothing quality, with all the Southern drawling and quiet pace.

I'm hopeful that Sense8 gets buzz going, but I haven't seen anything about it in the US outside of this website. Oh, and Todd's Vox review.

A lot of the time, you swore to a bond with that bounty hunter, so their appearance wouldn't be a big shock to you.

They could then cry together and talk about their 5 million grandkids.

They have the financial politics of Bank of America mixed with a criminal history resembling that of most meth dealers.

He doesn't carry a gun, so it definitely would have been a lot better. For a racist SOB who has committed manslaughter, Dog the Bounty Hunter is a great role model.

Sense8 REALLY needed more promotion, even online promotion. The only reason I knew about it was because of you, actually. And I'm so glad I saw it! But considering the big-name Wachoskis were associated with it, it should have generated way more buzz.

I generally do not edit Wikipedia pages, but every once in a while I'll run across some not-true info on a TV page and I HAVE to edit it. It's just impossible not to.

Sense8 Spoilers:


The actor is surprisingly good! Most handsome white actors would just go in to the "cop=good guy" blank face route. He puts a lot of emotion in to every scene and wears his heart on his sleeve. Awwww, I really do love him as a character. Cop shows would be infinitely better if there were more actors like him in

The more I think about the question, the more I think you're right. I don't think it is strict humanism, but it reminds me of Asimov's Foundation trilogy, where humans naturally evolve and have the ability to become better people than homo sapiens (and have the ability to evolve and become worse than homo sapiens;

The show doesn't want us to divide people up in to "useful/nonuseful" categories. More: everyone has use and is unique and valuable.

Kala was good when she was visiting other people, but her storyline was simultaneously boring and baffling.

Thanks for mentioning Run Lola Run. I knew Riley reminded me of something, and now I know that it's Lola.

But Todd loved Enlightened, and this show is the closest relative I've seen to that same cinematic meditative style.

I love it when the characters "travel" to other locations and just sit back and say, "Wow, it's beautiful here," etc. It makes their superpowers seem a lot cooler (and, weirdly, more human) than the superpowers on most shows.

Daniela seems like a standard empty-headed actress character, but she has a lot of heart and love. That's how she won me over.

I laughed out loud during the Will/Jonas scene, which surprised me because I'm used to Wachowskis=dour. I was hooked from the Will/Jonas scene on, too. But I didn't get goosebumps until this episode. Sun was just SO convincing as a badass, and her infecting Capheus with her badassery was surprisingly moving. I

It is not my favorite scifi of the year (I would pick 12 Monkeys) but it's my favorite character drama in quite some time.