K. Thrace

Unlike a lot of the other characters, Lito & crew interact with people often enough that their names are constantly being mentioned by other characters. It was pretty easy to pick up on their names.

IS the show humanist? I got the feeling that it's very anti-humanist, in that humans kill and are separated from one another. Whereas this new species is better because it is purer.

Awww, that's sad :(

Well, first it's the aspect ratio, then it's color correcting, then I don't know what because I usually leave the room in exasperation.

OMG, you're right.

I watched 5 minutes of it and fell asleep, so…maybe?

Ah, I thought you meant in the last decade. Your post was unclear.

She would be really good as Julia in 1984. And Brave New World already has lots of drugs. We could add in a rave-party scene like in Matrix: Reloaded.

I believe the theatrical cut was the first one I saw, then. I didn't like the movie until I saw the non-voiceover cut film.

As someone who gets annoyed when people interrupt a show or movie to fix the aspect ratios, I sympathize with your older relatives. If you can fix it quickly (a minute or less), then I am on your side. If you're like my male relatives, and it takes 15 minutes, then you're history's greatest monster. I just want to

Frasier and Niles eschewed television, though, and would only go see movies at the cinema.

Oh, it's definitely true. Before the show even started, the HBO writers were already commenting on how they planned to handle it if they overtook the books. We were arguing about this same thing on the AV Club at the time.

That's always been the way, though, right? I thought that's why we had to read 1984 and Brave New World in high school.

I thought she acquitted herself well in The Lego Movie, Pitch Perfect, and The Hunger Games.

We need to tamp on this trilogy trend.

It's okay, I'm sure she's not disappointed.

*Copyright lawyers immediately charge Idioismist $2000 for using music from the 60s.*

You'll have to be satisfied with the Twin Peaks sequel instead.

But everyone knew when the show started that the storyline would overtake the books, though. I don't think that's his fault as much as it is a feature of the show.

Hilary Martel.