K. Thrace

The test for dropping out of college to become an actor should be: "Do you look like Ryan Reynolds? No, really—DO YOU?"

You are an insightful movie critic, Evel :)

I like your random thought. It does kind of feel like I was alone in the 90s, or like they didn't exist, if only because I didn't spend loads of time bonding with people on the Internet over those things. I had the Internet in the 90s, but I wasn't going to sit around waiting for the dial-up to load just to talk

I remember the set looked exactly the same as the set for Cybil, so I assume that they must have aired at a similar time on the same network.

And there are also women that we could discuss!

Roseanne always had the best, craziest Halloween episodes.

You should try again! It's probably the funniest, weirdest sitcom that has come from the networks since Community. It's just so…mean.

Oh my God, I forgot she was on Boston Common. I'm pretty sure I thought she was two different petite blond actresses. I got really excited when I finally visited Boston last year—I made the Benjamin Franklin tour guide take a picture of me at Boston Common "Because it's the name of a TV show!" I don't think he knew

From the series premiere, I totally thought Ryan Reynolds was destined for great things. Then again, I was a prepubescent girl who watched the show just to see him, which probably explains his main fanbase and the kinds of movies he stars in. I would attribute his later career to bros and not to his female fanbase,

I remember that sketch! A few years later, Fox aired the show The Restaurant, whose premise was 100% the same as the premise of that SNL skit.

I am ashamed to say that I have been in love with RR since I first saw this show (I was probably 10 years old), and since then I have wasted countless hours watching RR films, only to be consistently disappointed in his woodenness and lack of natural charisma.

Well, Dharma and Greg is awful, but I'm surprised that Just Shoot Me doesn't have more of a following. Laura San Giacomo and Enrico Colantoni FTW!

You've convinced me to watch Two Girls and a Guy.

Well, now I know a lot more about your favorite activities when you were a child.

Reposted, you are a treasure.

Yes, it is how civil dialogue works. I attacked your ideas, not your ability to reason. I did not conflate ad hominems and hyperbole, I pointed out that you were upset that I was using illogical arguments, but that your arguments were largely based on the platform that I need to "grow up" (the ad hominem—i.e.,

I haven't attacked you once through any ad hominems. I think, in fact, that you might have some difficulty with attacking others and refusing to engage in civil dialogue. But I'm willing to give you the chance to continue discussing the issue without attacking me.

Joffrey has Ser Merwyn and Sandor Clegane beat up Sansa. So, yes, she's physically abused.

I agree with most of what you've said, @avclub-4d5c4bf45cda19b7340dc53616270958:disqus, but I don't think we can assume that Don living in NYC means that Don connected more deeply with his kids. The show is about recidivism, and Don has never really been there for them. That's why it was such a damning indictment