K. Thrace

Even his outfit in the show was all about appearances. He wears a Western style shirt and jeans—why? Are we supposed to believe that's how Don "really" wants to dress, deep down? To me it was clear that Don was trying to take another persona ("I'm On the Road."). He was being the beatnik traveler, the Western

In a world where women are illiterate and the alphas can't spell, the betta fish shall be King.

I guess I haven't grown up yet because I've never been raped!

At least the female commentariat know how to spell the word "reuben."

At least it's an ethos.

You're right, women can only have the will for power if they've been raped once or twice in a crash course-type setting!

Peggy couldn't have her breakthrough with Stan until she was fully confident in herself and her career.

I watched the finale to see Peggy and Stan finally get together. And they did. A+ from me. Peggy finally has someone to massage her while she works!

The girl with the braids and red ribbons couldn't have been a clearer clue.

In a sick way, I could just imagine the part of Don that was picturing an ad featuring that refrigerator metaphor.

It has the grimy little pimp line, is directed by John Slattery (I think he's done the best directing for the show), and CHEWING GUM IN HIS PUBIS.

I never bought in to the character of Wolcott. He always feels like 4 or 5 different characters to me, and I largely blame Dillahunt (Dillahunt plays this same mishmash of emotions and motivations in Justified).

Oh, that's so perfect! I really love the Mad Men theme (and, in many ways, I think the lack of lyrics makes it more approachable for new viewers, as it comes across chic). But it'd be great if they'd feature Is That All There Is in the final episode.

My grandfather would bale hay in the 30s for about $5/day, but that still doesn't compare to picking cotton. Picking cotton is the worst.

I have to agree that this movie wasn't up to snuff, but the first Avengers movie plus Dr. Horrible makes me think that Whedon CAN do long-form storytelling.

Or Buffy and Dawn, or Buffy and her mom.

Harrison Ford is 72! Only unbelievable because Connery was so convincing as his father.

I think I have problems, then I read about people making $5 a day picking cotton. Even in the 1930s, that's mind-boggling.

And Don was reading Hawaii in this episode.

He was headed the other direction.