Fun. Suv. Opposite Lock. Definitely not words I would have ever associated with an SUV. Or any vehicle this heavy or large.
Fun. Suv. Opposite Lock. Definitely not words I would have ever associated with an SUV. Or any vehicle this heavy or large.
Makes driving to a different on ramp worth the gas expense sometimes. The sheeple are scared drones that want the car to do everything for them. Up to, and including wiping their asses. I kid, however, it seems that people just don't want to drive. Me? As a kid I wanted the best and latest technology in a car. Now? …
Your rant. It was awesome. I especially liked the parts about your mother. I have similar issues with mine. Where is the trunk button again? SAME PLACE IT HAS BEEN FOR 10 YEARS!
People who can't merge. People who don't accelerate enough while getting on the highway (due to fear or stupidity) are a menace to the road around them. The point of merging is to match your speed to the moving traffic and SEAMLESSLY move in. Then there are those who, in thick traffic that is barely moving, don't…
I seriously hope this was someone's acid trip. Otherwise, why?
Why do we pay for great quality video systems for our cars, however, not our security camera's so Jalopnik can identify ass wipes that effectively murder their friends? Hmm. Awesome video, however.
"if yes, what the balls is wrong with you?"
At this point, CSI's infamous "enhance" feature would be much appreciated.
Mitt doesn't scare Musk? Odd, all politicians scare me.
"The list has both luxury cars, like the Mercedes SL, Lincoln MKS and Lexus RX 350 (both of those are the 2013 versions) "
I know that shit goes wrong at times, however, I would be embarrassed for these guys. Especially the obvious PPE issues. You never know what could happen.
I would also like to add that this is what happens when your equipment (the fire truck, not the Cruze) has too many electric thingy dependent things on it. Just like on a car, I want my levers and knobs back. Engaging the pump? Pull lever. Done.
I have a Cruze. I have done my own oil changes 3 times over since I purchased it. No problems. Not sure where this is coming from. My house on the other hand blew something electrical the other day and took out half my kitchen (and my brand new refrigerator). Not sure what that is all about. Think I may have pissed…
In response to 0:27
We* Proof reading, Hooker.
I think they figure if they had to suffer, so must everyone else. Misery loves company and all that crap.
Can't be done. Once your retinas have been burned this bad, there is no turning back.
'living through my teens behind the wheel was not guaranteed.' Exactly. I had a similar issue. I was able to instantly feel how a car was on the road and know how it was going to take a corner. I would push to it's limits (further if I felt lucky). It was an awesome time, however, there is no good reason for me to…