

Turkey bacon is not bacon! We need to stop calling it bacon... It’s not.

It’s almost like the racism that we experience is a learned set of political, social and economic ideals that are being passed down through White culture, not behavior from a generation of people that need to die off. Hmmm....

Note: I was born in 1960, and my life in the closet included a Navy career even before DADT. When I was born, being gay was criminal nationwide. So a lot of what I would have needed to tell my younger self is not nearly as applicable to anyone in the closet today. Thank God, and thank all the amazing people who were

The only thing that matters here is the union contract. Frankly, I don’t understand why anyone bothers to discuss anything else.

And they’re not cucks, P-whipped, punks or bums who aren’t real men. They’re what you call partners.

Men like this exist.

Not for nothing, but this really made me appreciate that my husband just “gets” stuff like this. When I’m out of the house, I don’t have to ask him to do anything because he just knows it needs to be done. I went to dinner with a friend the other day and came home to a completely clean home, the kids bathed and


I’m more concerned about those two breasts protruding out of his forehead. Will they still be covered for yearly mammograms if Obamacare is repealed? Has Darth Cheeto ever fondled them? Does he have to gets bras specially made to keep them nice and perky, sittin’ up top of his dome like that? 

The people on the fucking porch...

It literally started 8 years ago, not during WWII.

You absolutely have to call people on their racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic shit....especially if they’re family or a friend!

You mean the Bundy’s that had an armed stand-off with the Feds over some illegal shit they were doing yet none of those mofos were even roughed up?? The same Bundy’s that took over a federal building a couple of years ago and were found not guilty by a jury of their peers. Those Bundy’s??

How about investigating extremists, period? Like mofos that buy up a gotdamn arsenal over the course of a few days and wire $100K to foreign countries. What, that’ll violate some white guys “2nd amendment rights”? So we’re just going to go on a fishing expedition for POC?  


The thing that is very telling is the same people who use “female” almost never use “male” in the same context. They will say something like, “men don’t like when females do xyz” - you see it on social media constantly. You even hear women speaking like this. It’s misogynistic bs.

Her laugh is giving me what I need to get through this day.

Not while Jeffrey Wright is alive.