
It’s too late. Jon Stewart unlocked this seal of the apocalypse by normalizing Bill O’Reilly as a person you can reason with.

Did anyone let the coal miners know about these jobs? I know they really wanted American jobs back.

This is some investigatory work tho

Pretty sure these people said stuff on Twitter/Facebook. So what’s your next excuse for sheltering America from learning what it is.

I don’t know why they believe that racism will be solved if we are overly kind to white people. When has that ever worked?

An “alpha male” is just a dude who wants to act like a dickhead unabated, who wishes to assert his power of people who honestly don’t give a shit about his high opinion of himself.

I call it toxic masculinity. If you feel threatened by a woman who openly shares her voice, feelings and doesn’t think twice about questioning some fuck shit, you can get bent*

“Does Wichita not welcome any foreigners? Then tell us. Be up front and forward with people and say, you are not welcome in our city,”

.....who is this a hate crime against?

Dude is getting ready to get paid.

The crack epidemic was all about solving the scourge of the imaginary “crack babies”. They didn’t even pretend to care about the crack addicts because they weren’t white enough.

For the last time, missionary position does not count as Bible study.

I don’t think Molly was trying to check a box. I think she genuinely was trying to give Quentin a shot to see if *any* kind of sparks would fly, and she realized (perhaps during, but definitely) afterward that it was a no-go.

She does seem to disappear in emergencies. Hmmm. Clarkisha, could you take off your glasses for a second?

I used to have pretty severe acne and I went on Accutane in high school to clear it up. I think there’s a more mellow version out there now because that stuff was scary in the side effects. My worst side effect was chapped lips so I was fine.

Don’t forget the lack of attention for the white teen who forcefully sodomized a disabled black teen and got almost no punishment because the judge claimed he didn’t deserve any.

Yep. She is exactly like Kris Jenner, from the managing the husband/kids to the addiction to plastic surgery. It is hilarious that she of all people is badmouthing the Kardashians.

“Better” looking?

Writer#1: Compartmentalize. It’s easy to make friends. It’s easy to find fuckbuddies. But if you want somebody who’ll act like your boyfriend but not develop feelings or ever expect anything, be prepared to find that guys like that are unicorns in much the same way that women are.

Long story short: double-standards and Madonna-Whore syndrome. Guys grow up being taught that they’re horny beasts and should fuck as much as possible, women grow up being taught that they shouldn’t want sex, definitely shouldn’t have it except under very specific circumstances and women who try (or do) have sex like