
White people always holler “this is America” when they’re told they can’t/shouldn’t do something yet have no qualms about telling the rest of us what we can/cant/should/shouldn’t do every damn day.

This is an aspect of this that keeps getting missed. Fuckers, you won. And yet they are still out here bashing Obama and Hillary every single day. I think it’ because they know deep in their hearts that their president ain’t shit. He doesn’t really give them anything to be proud of other than their hate for the

Seriously people if someone responds to you:

You are too kind. Get the hell out. NOW

I think I hate your husband. I had a boyfriend who had a very similar MO, and eventually got tired of doing all the work (emotional and physical), and got rid of him. I was also 20, and didn’t really know how to articulate my feelings, but I think he, as a person, wouldn’t have been amenable to growing as a person,

That isn’t something I’ve personally experienced in something in most of my relationships so it’s not a foregone conclusion, but I’ve certainly seen it at play plenty of times and yes, it is absolutely a product of male entitlement and that good ol’ Toxic Masculinity that forbids men to entertain the thought that they

It sounds like it, and frankly I can’t say I blame you. You sound fucking awesome! You deserve someone who matches your awesome, or at least aids it.

I really wish some of y’all would stop acting like this just started yesterday.....don’t y’all get tired of caping unnecessarily?

Why would Rhaegar and Lyanna name their son Aegon when Rhaegar already had a son named Aegon with Elia Martell? At the time of Jon’s birth, that Aegon had already been killed by Gregor, but 1) Rhaegar wouldn’t have known that before he left Lyanna in Dorne to head back north to fight Robert’s Rebellion so why would he

And trollbot you are.

So they wrote this last year about the previous 40+ years he’d had in “business” - and that’s a media org on the other side of the pond

I would say “I told you so” to all of these epiphany-havin jackasses, but I think a “Man, fuck outta my face” is more apt right now.

I fear this is 100% correct. He’ll just go back to Breitbart and crank the outrage to 11.

To be completely honest. I think his mother is a common example of older white women who have biracial children. Sleeping with Black men was something she “experimented” with back in the day. That resulted in two children...but ultimately, who she slept with didn’t change who she is and has always been...another white

I know it’s not shocking, but it’s heartbreaking to hear someone talk about how their own mother chose whiteness over their children. And wanting to take you to a step-family’s Thanksgiving? Just gross.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

I get the drama with your mama thing just on a general level from hard-won personal experience. Also, you don’t have to agree on politics with your parents in general. That said, that your mom values Whiteness over her own kids and grandchildren are striking. Apparently, she doesn’t see anything in common between

IDK, no one’s putting up statues of Hitler and people seem to remember him just fine...