Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.
Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.
yeah, chicken, rabbit, duck and snail
That man made somebunny very happy!
My heart is still in the process of growing three times its normal size after seeing this video of a man scooping up…
A Chevy “Real People” ad:
I guess California wants to leave the biggest car ban footprint.
Wait... I thought you were the junkyard
Technically legal is the best kind of legal.
Honestly, though, if I had a 993 and people kept saying “nice 993" to me I’d probably get annoyed with it as well (though I wouldn’t correct people on it). My experience is that these guys, who always refer to every BMW by the chassis code or insist on calling my MX-5 an “NC”, are really eager to show off how much…
Those who can’t do, teach!
I can’t believe that Mars is getting its Roadster order sooner than I get my 3.
Elon Musk is nuts, and worsening.
Please let this be his daily driver:
That dog didn’t stop believing...
That’s a very good car, who is a good car, yes you are a good car.
Yep, I was afraid of this. He got hit by Cupid’s Alero.
This guy basically just built an entire car and I still have to look up youtube videos when I want to tie a tie.
Elaborate games of Connect Four.