
Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.

yeah, chicken, rabbit, duck and snail

That man made somebunny very happy!

A Chevy “Real People” ad:

I guess California wants to leave the biggest car ban footprint.

Wait... I thought you were the junkyard

Technically legal is the best kind of legal.

Honestly, though, if I had a 993 and people kept saying “nice 993" to me I’d probably get annoyed with it as well (though I wouldn’t correct people on it). My experience is that these guys, who always refer to every BMW by the chassis code or insist on calling my MX-5 an “NC”, are really eager to show off how much

Those who can’t do, teach!

I can’t believe that Mars is getting its Roadster order sooner than I get my 3.

Elon Musk is nuts, and worsening.

Please let this be his daily driver:

That dog didn’t stop believing...



That’s a very good car, who is a good car, yes you are a good car.

Yep, I was afraid of this. He got hit by Cupid’s Alero.

This guy basically just built an entire car and I still have to look up youtube videos when I want to tie a tie.

Elaborate games of Connect Four.