
The misguided notion that it’s all he-said, she-said fuels this idea. They’ll tell you that other crimes have *evidence* to support them and don’t rely on some woman just saying things. This idea is awful - testimony is evidence and can be bolstered with other circumstantial evidence to prove the truth.

The team never did anything to offload Kendrick Perkins, which would’ve fixed most of their issues. I have little sympathy.

They will never allow scrapping eggs. I would dump anything but 10k eggs and spin spin spin for every extra Lapras, Snorlax and Dratini. Worth it.

It took me a long time to get one, but I’ve had plenty. I got four the weekend before the Halloween event, and I got more during Halloween. I had another drought after that, and have consistently carried 1-2 for the last two weeks (takes a few days to hatch)

I had never heard of this guy other than seeing articles on this website. I never watched any of his videos until this stunt got the coverage it got. I watched a random sampling of about five to see what all the fuss was about.

I don’t care for Selig on the whole, but let’s leave the All-Star tie out of it. It was already a meaningless game. It ended without a meaningful result...the same way it would’ve in any other situation.

They need to make a decision soon on whether to cancel the season or not. It’s almost two-thirds done, and once you’re into that final trimester, you’ve gotta see it through

You know where your bread is buttered.

...and there won’t be another vacancy no matter what, so no worries

I still say he would’ve succeeded where boring, message-less John Kerry failed in 2004. I did not, however, support him in 2008.

You’re doing this wrong. I have 350,000 dust but I have spent a ton upgrading my crew so I can have a ton of Pokemon in gyms and a ton to battle with. 75,000 dust can take a level 20 afterthought to an unstoppable force at level 30. If that’s too rich for your blood, you can get to level 23 for a fourth of that.

Wow, he really milked that pause for all it was worth.

1) I challenge you to a duel.

DJ Khalid getting hate over this is utter BS. All he does is film, film, film no matter what.

The “pardon me” was gold, then he took it to the usual weird and inappropriate place he takes things to

Retired in March of 2009, huh? I see why he’s so pissy now - eight years of Democratic rule and he hasn’t worked a single day

Oh, sure. People get upset about these covers displaying outdated caricatures of Native Americans, but no one says anything about these yuppies pretending they’re athletes.

Just because he’s black like Obama doesn’t mean he’s Kenyan too.

Bonus points for the Super Metroid opening music. One of my favorite games ever.

Too many bad puns about a lesbian cat lady...I'm out