
UGH, I totally have Konmari regrets. No, that ecru camisole didn’t bring me joy, per se, but it was a great base layer that I now need to replace. Same with the yellow cardigan. Joy and usefulness are not always the same thing

Studded tires are a total waste of money, and they absolutely destroy the roads. Better to get a good set of winter tires (NON-studded), and don’t drive like a moron. Others have said it too, but the #1 car I see spun out on the side of the road on the way to the ski hill is a Ford Explorer. Because ABS and 4X4

Yep, my mother has busted out the “attacked his accusers” line. Her argument went something like this: when Bill Clinton was in office, he did have sex with women, Hillary Clinton verbally tried to destroy them and in some ways ruined them and destroyed the women’s reputations. Hillary tried to cover it up and when

Two items that I can no longer live without:

I just used MyChart this morning to make my annual exam appointment with my doctor. She also sends me emails through the system, and test results. It’s AMAZING.

It lacks year to year consistency because they change the recipe every year. #TheMoreYouKnow.