Olivia Wilde dated Ryan Gosling?
Olivia Wilde dated Ryan Gosling?
I was out of the country for two weeks.
That was Tim Curry?? Noooooooooo! I love Tim Curry and was scarred by It!
So Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis end up together at the end, right?
There was never a bad cop in our house, but there were "grownup" movies vs "kid" movies.
What is the foundation, Sarah?? Now I need to know!!
I just watched Wet Hot American Summer for the first time last night. Fantastic. Go hump that fridge, Meloni!
Apparently, I've been watching way too much Sons of Anarchy. I saw Ron Perlman and Taryn Manning in separate clips and immediately assumed I see Half Sack.
The sheer array of hair styles McAdams has going on in this trailer is jaw-dropping.
Guess I'd be taking that "special slow-moving" elevator every day. You know, on account of the wheelchair...
Holy mother. I recall all of that. Wow.
Word. Hanson till the end. Or until Taylor is a grandfather...
I have no tips, I just wanted to say, so am I! Woo! England!
Whatever Cillian Murphy does, he can always be fully redeemed by Disco Pigs.
Oh, Cillian! You had me at "sad man in a sad house stuck on a sad little island with a sad wife and a pyscho with news of a global pandemic which, by its very nature, is very sad."
Oh James Middleton, I think I love you most of all!