Oh, Vampire Chronicles. My high school years were spent burning through those books again and again. Lestat, you will always be #1!
Oh, Vampire Chronicles. My high school years were spent burning through those books again and again. Lestat, you will always be #1!
Yeah, I've been watching waaaayy too much Lost (you do not want to KNOW how quickly I burned through Season 5), I saw the name Katherine Heigl and yet I was convinced it was Evangeline Lilly.
That's so neat I changed my screen name!
So, I've been trying to break into the romance genre cause I've been rather judgey in the past.
I thought this episode was great because it finally made me like Bill. The fact that his whole purpose is no longer to yell "Soo-keh!" dissaprovingly makes him watchable. Finally, we might get a clue as to why a relatively young vampire commands the respect of others and works/ed as the number 3 to a vampire a…
@gunface: Did Bella exclaim "Shut the fuck up?"
@JinxyMcDeath: The fact that Eric fantasizes about Sookie calling him cowboy... I just..yes, please...
@TurnYourHeadAndCoffee: I need to know the context in which that Sookie/Eric scene from last week's previews! Also, is it weird that I'm attracted to Franklin?
Yeah, this was just in groupthink, but its a unicorn, guys!!
@NothingButTheRain: Apparently its Hot and Crowded 2.0
Hot man. Book. Hot man. Book. Hot man.
@Kathleenikins: Centerstage, Save the Last Dance & Flashdance. All so awesome. The faux-sexiness and bitchyness in Centerstage is the best!
@ShaynaLK: I read that as peanut butter icecream.
@Forthright Fattie: Yes. It is worth it.
@ktbarnes: And it just started to storm.
'Bridget Jones' is on TV. Might pop in the DVD (commercials, you suck) and drink the last Smirnoff in my fridge.
@LaComtesse: He grew up less than 30 minutes from me and when I think, "Orson Welles was bred here!", I become depressed. I was bred here. I was never handed the keys to Hollywood at 23. Le sigh.
I both squeed! and experienced a deep depression in the space of a minute because Emily Blunt is just lovely and now JKras will never, ever be mine.
Helen, my dear, it is such a mystery.
@LaComtesse: Really, there should be a Clapping Cane in real life, who could just follow me around, sour puss in tact, clapping for every awesome thing that happens to me.