heirloom gear was upgradable, about the time they introduced the heirloom mount motercycle, and i think wen’t all the way up to 95 when i was still playing the last expac.
heirloom gear was upgradable, about the time they introduced the heirloom mount motercycle, and i think wen’t all the way up to 95 when i was still playing the last expac.
what this actually does is it kills the quest gaps that USED to exist, since all quests in the zone are now only quest progression blocked, but no longer player level blocked as well, you should actually be able to fully clear out the quests of each zone without having to do any grinding at all, so if you finish one…
It’s not just you. I made it about a week into Osiris (I’m on PC) before i just walked away from it without looking back. I didn’t even feel the need to hit 330, when i had 305ed all three classes beforehand.
i think you meant assess, not asses here.
Arisa was a teen or older when she died, yes, but she’s a reincarnate who is physically only 10 or so in her current life when she’s introduced. again, the main char is not a lolicon, so most of the humor around her is her constantly getting shot down for BEING a horny woman in a child’s body who’s trying to seduce a…
remember, the companies that own the properties, and the companies that animate them don’t have to be the same thing. the company that animated mortal sins did go under, so someone else apparently picked it up.
It’s there in the manga, but i think it was only shown in a bonus short there, while it was in the main story for the webnovel/light novels. So i don’t know if the english publication has gotten to it yet.
the expression that defines the phenom in Hollywood is “everyone wants to be the first to be second” as in, everyone is desperate to reproduce that one thing that took off on its own and have their own piece o that pie before it gets stale.
sadly, we’re probably getting them anyway.
Everyone seems to forget that the force has, in fact, done this before. It’s just that Anakin had one parent who didn’t abandon him. I’ve always taken Shmi’s comment of “there was no father” more to mean that Anakin was just the result of either a random, one night stand, or that she had been used as a prostitute by a…
Correct, they can’t get him with any of the actual numbered murder charges, but they’re absolutely eligibile for every manslaughter charge they can file. even if the cops hadn’t killed anyone let alone fired a single shot, attempted manslaughter would still be a viable charge against the origina caller simply because…
I was a very stupid line of dialogue that should have hit the floor the editor saw it in the cutting room. This is a girl who grew up surrounded by wildly different sapient non-human races. and knew what not to say to get herself shanked. that line would have gotten her shanked, so she never should have been able to…
actually, it’s supposed the be a christmas GOOSE, not a turkey.
There was a Bowling Alley my dad would take me to with a great arcade where this was my first Super mario interaction (my first mario interaction was in Donkey Kong played on my Colecovision). I was never able to properly explain to my father why the Super Mario game that came with the NES that he later got me in 87…
the games are pemanently redownloadable regardless of whether they are still being sold on the store or not. No exceptions. The only thing close to an exception is demos are gone forever if the game is no longer sold, which is why PT is gone forever for anyone who didn’t keep their copy of it
I am more bothered by the fact that “a” they kept looking for a hacker when they’re called “SLICERS” in Star Wars to begin with, and “b” the fact that the guy they brought in to hack a single shield and a single door magically knew about the stealthed ships when he wasn’t anywhere near the rebel ships, had no…
And to be intentionally spoilery for something a first movie better not get into considering movie run times, real humans may not even have that brain any more. A lot of the drama in the series is about what it means to BE human, regardless of body-state.
Part if it is Doc Ido is fully human (at least for now) and Gally/Alita is essentially a brain in a fetishists doll cyborg body, and one old enough that it has a distinct amount of uncanny valley present. I actually think it’s a GOOD thig that this distrubs, as that is exactly the emotional response it should be…
the big difference here is they did it on PC, which hadn’t even been out of 2 months. PC nerds are vicious folks!
xenosaga I+II was a japan only nintendo DS release, that had extra story content at the end of Xenosaga II that is only alluded to in Xenosaga IIIs info files in english