the guns are goddamn zohar emulators ><
the guns are goddamn zohar emulators ><
yeah, his skills were all intentionally designed that you NEED to combo them together just right to actually make your kills. I mean, you were supposed to uppercut into your shotgun blasts (you’re at point plank range, and they do massive damage then and ONLY then), and your wind up punch is only good if you are…
It went from zero to BDSM so fast that it gave me whiplash.
”cheating” in this case is actually “cheating the audience” not cheating in the game via exploits. Lying is actually the better word, as they are lying about what type of run they did.
yeah, but making cheats for a video game and selling em is like stealing the keys to a car dealership and selling them on the street corner for five bucks, then claiming they did nothing wrong when those cars are both gone, and killing others in accidents.
they’re suing him for intellectual property violations, since he was selling a program that was using code stolen from their game to others to cheat in their game. It actually doesn’t matter that he’s a minor, since this is a felony.
he is, however, screweing over the players on his own team if this is being done in multiplayer, as we assume it is or there wouldn’t be a timed kick to worry about. So it directly falls into the “automating parts of the game in violation of the EULA” bit that usually requires a PC game and bots on it to do.
As much as i hate to make the comparison, say hello to the beginnings of “Cardinal” the world-writing AI at the core of SAO, and every single game in that universe thereafter. Sure, it was more known for writing up quest lines on the fly before the alicization arc, but i rather expect this is a more believable start…
current TMNT is another reboot, so almost all of the backstory and character origins were “updated” for the times, some to very bizarre decisions.
now... where do you actually find an arcade to play it in nowadays?
“-Revel in the unbridled irony of the whole thing—and remember that Alanis Morisette probably singlehandedly destroyed a generation’s understanding of the term “irony.””
I need to point something out here: the article says that time difference put the game on shelves on Nov 16th. It was still the 16th in the US, but it was very MUCH the 17th already in Australia (GMT +11 to +7), which is on the other side of the international date line from the US across the Pacific.that puts them…
Also, the Ren and Stimpy animation style works well for the type of satire it was portraying here.
There are no circumstances where that particular line could be considered appropriate, not even if you were talking to an actual prostitute when doing so.
not while you’re fucking working, certainly.
..someone hitting on you, even a co-worker, is not a crime. Them continuing to do it after an initial rejection is. Them making comments on your appearance and body is. A boss hitting on one of their subordinates is not a crime, but it’s ethically shitty, and is certainly an abuse of power if done in the office, and…
it would only be outside the rules if they changed player mid tourney, not at the onset like this, i would think.
I have to make one big correction to this article. Dirge was NOT Square’s first shooter, Parasite Eve 2 was.
i find that women are usually quite concerned about their own.
EB games, electronics boutique which ultimately became gamestop. there was a time when they were a reasonable chain, but now they’re just a chain store that murder-bots any possible competitive chains like EA murders successful rival companies by buying them out.