
I've always thought the opposite. When I got to college and found 18 and 19 year olds still getting stumbling drunk and puking and sleeping with random strangers they seemed so juvenile and socially delayed. Since I'd gotten done with that by the time in was 16 I could actually spend my time at university going to

I must literally be the only millennial out there who never heard of these "participation trophies". I have only heard about them online by curmudgeons complaining about kids today and their obnoxious self-esteem.

You know, as an athlete and a coach, I'm generally not a fan of participation medals/trophies/ribbons. I believe in helping kids find intrinsic worth in sport/competition that comes from enjoyment of the game and personal growth/improvement, NOT just from winning/losing.

If Bart Simpson can be the defining boy for a generation and be voiced by a woman. Why not the other way around?

Yeah, I don't think most of us are strictly optimistic or strictly pessimistic. It's a case-by-case kind of thing, where we might be (often) too pessimistic in one situation, and optimistic otherwise, or vice-versa.

Good for those parents. Seriously, kids under the age 13 can't ride their bikes in the street? That is flat out disgusting. The police should be out ticketing assholes that are driving fast enough to hit kids in a neighborhood, not ticketing parents. What the holy hell is wrong with you?

Finally, the Jez/Deadspin crossover post that we have always deserved.

I was just going to say why would you pay $62 for a bandana when you can get one for $5 at the army surplus store, but you just explained it.

This guys opinion? The men's section seems to be all about looking like you shop at a thrift shop, but for people that make way too much money to be comfortable being around "those people" in a thrift shop.

Sony MDR7506. Good enough to use on million dollar SSL consoles, good enough for me.

Sony MDR7506. Good enough to use on million dollar SSL consoles, good enough for me.

This actually applies to me at this exact time. I have my A+ but it's up in a month, I really didn't want to let it go, or it would feel like a waste ever getting, plus I believe it helped me get my previous job. I am now unemployed, a relief to be out of former workplace, so I have the time and made decision to get

I don't understand why they don't just help the female marines. Not everyone needs to carry a 100lb back pack I mean let some of the guys carry 140lbs and the girls can carry 60lbs. No big deal. We need female marines.

Everytime I here that "pull a trigger" argument I want to pull my hair out. I was in the Marine infantry for four years, as my knees and back can attest. You carry heavy loads, endure extreme conditions, handle very unfriendly gear and weapons in the worst situations imaginable. There cannot be a double standard on a

http://tomato.es/ is also another great webapp that I use quite often and save my progress across computers

Note to self: only spend money on 3 things.

If I have to read about one more poor wittle middle class white woman who is like totally super sadsies that she "HAS TO" be a bridesmaid I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

I consider the financial expectations that are placed on women in bridal parties to be excessive, unreasonable and sexist

Another thing about medication: If it works, you will know, you won't have to guess. You won't feel euphoric (these meds are not "Happy Pills" the media myths notwithstanding), but you will feel unburdened, lighter, more energetic. Unfortunately, people often have to spend a lot of time finding the right

It makes me sad to think that a medical receptionist/assistant job I held for five years after high school and paid $15/hr. (in 2003) now requires a college degree. Afterwards, I joined the military where I learned a really cool, unique and useful skill set. It pays really well in the civilian sector, to boot.