
Chess *is* "action" to a chess-playing ladyperson.

Paint a self portrait.

I went to a condensed college that did 4 years in 2 by having no summer vacation. I wasn't very happy with my decision. It was as you indicated, shoved down my throat as to what I should do and I bought into it. It was 1999 when I graduated with probably the worst choice I could have made. Computer networking.

Oh hey, it's the regular Jezebel feature of a post decrying how incredibly creepy and disgusting it is for men ogle to women, followed moments later by a post inviting you to ogle a man, complete with inviting double entendres and etc.

Now playing

I wish the East West Bowl sketches went on forever and ever.

Now playing

This is so funny too and I voted for Obama.

I think it's the "eat like a caveman" stuff that people respond badly to. If you call it a low-carb nutrient dense diet there isn't much to object to.

The only ones who look down on Paleo are those too weak to adopt it.

Not trolling. Do people really look down on paleo? I mean, besides the haters who just can't do it because it's like hard and stuff.