Don't Eat the Entire Plate of Food, Then Complain to the Manager When it's Time to Pay.
Don't Eat the Entire Plate of Food, Then Complain to the Manager When it's Time to Pay.
Based on my experience, your trouble might not be with the waiting staff. Kitchens can be a highly-stressed environment and some chefs can just be jerks. I've been in the situation a number of times where a customer has requested something done a certain way, I've written it clearly on their slip, but the chef I work…
My big one is: Don't Eat the Entire Plate of Food, Then Complain to the Manager When it's Time to Pay. I have seen people do this a couple of times, and frankly, I just assume now that they're trying to get out of paying or have a couple of quid knocked off.
Agreed, that should be next in this series.