
It really seems like it is time for you to move on from reviewing SNL. It isn’t that you are necessarily incorrect in your reviews (generally speaking, I agree with about 2/3 of whatever you have to say any given week) but rather you have nothing left to really say about SNL.

This may be an affect of most of the nominated shows being hidden behind a rapidly expanding number of paywalls while the ‘big three’ broadcast networks air junk. I was on a Korean TV recap site earlier today. someone was complaining about the quality of K-drama programming this year, but he ended his diatribe with

I know I’m probably in the minority and maybe it’s because I was pretty stoned but I thought Tom Lennon was hilarious. Most awards shows are only good to have on while playing a game on my phone/Switch, putting laundry away or doing other chores. I don’t really care all that much but is nice when artists/actors that I

Yay! A friend introduced me to this show, which I had heard of and didn’t think was my thing. I was surprised at how much I loved it. Really glad it’s renewed. 

SNL Struggles, Fails, To Utilize The Impeccably Game Emma Thompson.

Emma Thompson Tries Her Best, In An Otherwise Middling SNL Episode.  B-