
Does anyone else’s nose hurt after seeing this video?

I feel for that mother. Of course she has to say football didnt kill her son. I imagine theyre the parents paying for all of the football camps, making sure he got his warmups done, maybe even before homework. Not many kids make it that far only playing some peewee football and then HS football. There is a lot more

Its pretty awesome for us here in Phoenix.

Are you serving McSkip’s with those hot takes?

Has anyone been drafted by a team that’s not the Pelicans?

For the record, I’ve been found outside of my car in this very same condition, and did not get a DUI.

Fox sports already called their agents to offer them $100 billion

Ranking Time! We need a RAR stat, ratings above replacement, like WAR in baseball. and then a rankings list showing who’s best and who’s worst

And then you went on to strip at Cheetahs?

This is amazing