
While it’s nice to see a Detroit in Transit, I would be curious to learn the value of the site & if the current owner has some Flex in pricing. I think Edsel for a fair amount, but Ford would have to Focus on finding a Fairlane towards the financing Edge, because bringing that site up to snuff will be a Super Duty.

I’m pretty sure the driver would have had more room to correct in landscape.



Yeah between having a Prime account and being able to pay with my credit card points, Amazon has gotten a lot of my business lately.

Limbo Gallardo

“I live my life a quarter parsec at a time. Nothing else matters, not the Empire, not the Rebellion, not the smugglers and their bullshit. For those ten jumps or less, I’m free.”

Mercedes most definitely did not keep Chrysler afloat. They acquired a healthy company, and nearly destroyed it in 10 years.

you were so concerned about whether or not you could, you never stoped to think whether or not you should

Horse? Wagon?

G-Wagen with 3.5L Biturbo V6, 10-speed auto, and trick suspension? I’ll take two

USA Today? More like USA Yesterday amirite

I don’t know if Dan Piraro was ever in a marketing/engineering dust-up, but I’m sure he’d recognize what was going on:

yep, with 6.4 SRT8 swap.

What you are saying is it takes an act of God that is 1/8 the size of the Western Hemisphere to get airlines to be on time. Gotcha.

maybe, fuel?

They ride in between the crankshaft and the connecting rod of thepiston . Google rod bearings for more.


Obviously the driver misjudged his coronering speed.