Richard the Rapey Mansplainer

Donald Trump doesn’t care about people unless they can do something for him.

Schools should be referring these cases to the police and not operating as their own court anyhow. This is a crime, a crime is a matter for the police.

Check out this recent coup by the Austin PD who bagged a guy who was kidnapping women off the street and raping them...

Thank you, Captain obvious. However, being a sociopath, like Trump, isn’t so common. Which is why he’s so dangerous.

You seem to think that calling him a sociopath who has complete disdain for the human race isn’t “calling shit for what it is.” Not everything in this world boils down to some paradigm of either “racist” or “woke.” Sociopaths like Trump are off the charts. This is hardly letting him off the hook.

Yes, a sociopath will do anything to achieve his ends, including discrimination.

Trump discriminated against blacks in New York at the exact same time that he was desegregating a country club in Palm Beach. He’s a sociopath who will enact whatever policy is necessary in order to serve his twisted interests. Calling him a simple “racist” minimizes just how dangerous he is.

Calling a “psychopath” a “sociopath” isn’t giving him the benefit of the doubt. Likewise, calling Trump a nihilistic sociopath rather than a racist is hardly excusing him. Rather, it’s a very precise way of explaining to undecided voters why he’s so dangerous. A man who has contempt for the entire human race is

If you’re so anti-intellectual as to not care about the differences between a “psychopath” and a “sociopath” then that’s fine. I believe it’s a conversation worth having when we have two months to convince undecided voters why Trump is truly dangerous.

Calling a murderous psychopath a murderous sociopath is not letting him off the hook by any stretch, nor is it “playing a game.” Rather, it’s defining him in a different- perhaps more dangerous- light.

Very possibly a sociopath who has contempt for the entire human race.

Trump appears to to a sociopath who has contempt for the entire human race. Meaning, I don’t believe he’d hesitate to nuke Ukraine -or Mosul-if it helped him in the polls.

There is a difference between a psychopath and a sociopath. In the same way, there is a difference between a racist and a narcissistic opportunist who views the entire human race with contempt and will screw anybody to serve his needs. Trump appears to fit into the latter category in both examples.

Your last two sentences proved my point.

It’s terrible when police departments don’t do their jobs.

Read this article, where the police in Austin did some amazing work in catching a serial rapist.

It was always there, but we as a society were taking steps towards making it socially unacceptable to be openly violently racist. But now we’ve got the nominee of a major party making open racism the platform. The Republican platform was racist as hell already, but at least they had the decency to use code words.

It’s very likely in months to come we’ll get stats which show an increase in hate crimes. I know a Muslim who’s an avid Trump supporter. He argues that Trump isn’t really a bigot, he’s just saying bigoted things to get elected. Even if that’s true (I don’t believe it is), the fact Trump is riling up bigoted people

Rape victims would probably receive more justice if they went to the actual police, rather than simply reporting their assaults to the university. By now, I think we can all agree that universities, for whatever reason, have too much at stake to be able to judge these cases objectively. They see their students as a

Any administrator who says those words should be fired immediately.