
This is boring for even a movie premiere.

Euron Greyjoy is also kind of up for grabs in terms of who needs to be killed. Arya could go for him, get his face and use it to get close to Cersei even if she’s not going to do the killing herself. Yara Greyjoy probably has the most personal reason to off him (and will presumably show up one more time), but even if

“You can’t deny Jon is a better leader”

I mean the show had to justify any number of contortions for why Danaerys wouldn’t have taken out the Red Keep with her (three) dragons the moment she arrived at Dragonstone.
She could have gotten rid of Cersei in one fell swoop without massive loss of life, declared herself the new queen, with the backing of the

I’m still not sure why Jon is the better choice to rule. Daenerys has always gone out of her way to present herself as a queen of the people. She’s progressive as hell. So they can’t sell that to the populace, but they can sell Jon Snow? The people probably have already heard of her. A Targaryen queen with dragons

Cleganebowl starts with the Hound moving more fluidly than anyone’s ever seen him.  He finesses the Mountain into small, semi-mobile pieces, before revealing himself to be three Aryas in a Houndsuit.

I was very uncomfortable during that scene I honestly had no expectations of what would happen. I fully expected him to kill Jamie and capture Tyrion TBH.

Because he’s a putz. Jon learned loads of lessons from Ned, but he didn’t learn from the examples set by his death, nor Rob’s for that matter. And his stance on honesty is complete horseshit hypocrisy. He lied to Mance Rayder and Yigrette, two people who loved and trusted him, for the greater good of Westeros, but he

i did have this thought in the back of my head saying, “...but what if he just shot Tyrion/Jaimie RIGHT NOW...?” -- i mean, that would totally blow everyone’s mind, right?

No, no. You’re just mistaken.

Sorry I disagree with blaming GRRM at all. D&D went to GRRM and asked for permission to adapt this story. Whatever shit happens on the TV show is on them.

They’re rushing through everything, because GRRM is too busy enjoying fame and fortune to finish the books, or at least give them a detailed outline of what should happen, and so left to their own devices and with production costs skyrocketing and under pressure from HBO and dumbass fans to show big battles and less

I was a huge critic of last episode but gotta say, I mostly enjoyed this one. There were obvious issues due to the shortened season length, but for the most part it was fun to watch and had more heart-wrenching moments than last week’s episode did. Euron’s attack on Dany’s fleet was fucking great - the flying arrows

I’d wager no matter what happened, you’d be complaining about it.

Jon would bend the knee at the first person who challenged his title.

It seems clear he’s going south to try to kill Cersei. 

It was, wasn’t it? Jerome Flynn just burst into the room with some energy we hadn’t seen in a long time.

Are we gonna pretend Jon would be a great ruler? His leadership positions ended in either him abdicating or getting murdered. Dude never won a battle himself.

Should’ve picked Tormund.

I mean, did Jaime not realize that Cersei might be in trouble at some point during all this?