
That word “necessarily” speaks volumes. I think ABC publicists were on both of them to say something, but have no doubt that she either a) agrees with him, or b) considers herself “not political” (translation: too self-absorbed to worry about all that stuff that might hurt her pretty little brain and bring up hard

“Just because I liked it doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it. I was raised in a very open-minded family that was accepting to everybody. We’re very non-judgmental. I’m genuinely sincere.”

“Just because I liked it doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.”

I used to find the Kim hate on this site frustrating, well mostly after the robbery (esp claiming it was fake by a lot of commenters ), but I have reached my limit. I won’t make fun of her for being famous over a sex tape bc that’s low hanging fruit and quite frankly not something to judge a person over, even

would you like to place a bet on me ever leading a story on Jez with Kim again because i’ll win

Can we also throw instafamous social influencers who focus on their body or “fitness” on that flaming garbage pile too? I HATE it when they do a post where it’s all “Here’s how posing and lighting affect my photos, see, I have flaws too! All bodies are beautiful!” Bitch, that doesn’t do a damn bit of good if you

I’m ashamed to say I also remember the part of the feud where Khloe then posted a photo of a young woman in a swimsuit and said it was CGM and proceeded to body shame her over it. Or something like that.

Kudos to the Deadspin folks for not being complete troglodytes. The attitude the Jez writers seem to take on Kim (in my brief overview of KK articles posted recently) seems to be “Kim Kardashian does this thing”. And even when it’s an objectively harmful thing (laxative lollipops, anorexia as compliment) the tone is

Yep, I’ve disliked K-hole ever since.

That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard in a while.  I’m so sorry that you had to hear that come from your daughter.  I always worry about my two girls and dread having to experience that with them.

Narcissistic rich person with no actual talent other than self-promotion is angry that accomplished professional half her age is accomplished, half her age, and has had the temerity to question rich person’s vapidity?

Narcissists...like two peas in a gross, entitled, socially destructive pod. 

It’s, uh, rubbing off...

“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”

Of course we know who Kaylie is Kim!

Khloe also came after Chloe in a spectacularly mean-spirited/hateful/stupid way, by posting an explicit photo of another girl’s ass.

Taylor especially gets attacked a lot. She gets attacked for donating money to sexual assault victims, for tweeting in support of the Women’s March, for not sharing her political opinion (she doesn’t think as a singer it is her place to influence other’s political opinion), for stopping the car to take a picture with a

My friend moved to Texas a few years ago and both of us have done this on each others birthdays.

taylor is in nyc right now, so she’s at her house, and she has historically loved baking - odds are she baked it herself

I’m going to go with a mix of A & B: Taylor Swift wanted to eat cake and was bummed she couldn’t eat it with her friend on her friend’s birthday, so made her friend a B-day cake and ate her friend’s slice(s) as well as her own.