
You legit bought an AMG GT? Duuuuude... You’re my hero or something. I recently bought a C6 Grand Sport, I still drool over the AMG GTs.

Wait... Ballaban’s involved?

I guess meaning literally awoke, not asleep or distracted because you just done damaged a $70,000,000 jet because you were fixated on dat ass.

Of course. Right now I’m not even able to race, but if/when I do, I have zero pretensions of winning. Too many low-level racers with high-level skill. I just want to go out there, have a decent showing, and maybe improve my real-world street driving skills as a side benefit.

So as a LeMons complete noob, do the officials go by the auction price? And what about repairs - like if I found a 4th gen Camaro SS with a blown headgasket for $500, does that count?

I guess a hair over $1/4 mil isn’t really a showstopper to a lot of race teams.

I wanted one too, like a *lot*. But used ones are $48k-ish!

So I quit watching Engineering Explained after his shill “Engineering a feeling” commercial disguised as a video was put up. I *like* the NSX but the clumsy attempt really turned me off Acura and EE.

Pretty bummed about this picture.

Ah, you’ve discovered the national sport of “elefantenrennen”.

I got an unpopular opinion: ya’ll so, “Me too!” it isn’t even funny. Half the posters here are saying the same tired popular tropes that are extremely popular on Jalopnik, all seeking validation from the groupthinking crowd.

I want to see real unpopular opinions, not this, “I love brown manual station wagon Miatas! I’m sooo controversial, right guys??”

Serious question - where’s the link to Opposite Lock? I hover over the Jalopnik word at the top - it’s not there. I swear I’ve seen it there before...

That’s waaay beyond doing it for the publicity. In 2013/2014 he did 100-ish wishes per year.

Or in this case, it actually is a crime piece.

I wonder if it’s another one of those hit-and-runs where the driver was drunk. Drives off to avoid the DD charge since hit-and-run might carry a lesser penalty.

But doesn’t the injector duty cycle stay above zero for a short while after closing the throttle? I read that it helps with sudden off-then-on throttle applications.

Yay for a girl who looks like she’s seen the inside of a gym.

Which ones are good? I bought one from Wally World and the top isn’t all that great. Decent mug, top isn’t.

Which ones are good? I bought one from Wally World and the top isn’t all that great. Decent mug, top isn’t.

But if you take the 666 and divide by 2, you get three threes! Half Life 3 confirmed!