
Thanks for the voucher and the link. I threw a bit into the pot.

At first I was like, “GZ250? Heavy?”

Yeah, if the story turns out to be legit and he’s not exploiting his kid’s illness (it happens, sadly), I’d consider helping.

1. I’m from Texas - got nuttin’.

Hey! What’s wrong with Kristen?

Defense attorneys are very much acting in the public interest - as a check against runaway government and kangaroo courts. They very much ensure the integrity of the court system.

I don’t see why this is even a question.

I was contemplating doing one of these when I go back to the States. I wonder how useable one of these are - can you haul a 4x8 sheet of lumber? Obviously not flat, but is it do-able?

Him and AvE.

And is why I looked like a dummy when I went from my J-spec Integra to my dad’s Honda Accord when I was home on leave from Japan.

I just want to add that this is an issue with those trucks and 4runners up to 2004. Up to that time, the LBJ was under stress it could not handle as the suspension was trying to pull the ball joint out of the socket.

I own a house, installed a ceiling mounted 5/8" retracting air hose to run my air tools all the way to the end of my driveway. Run impact tools sometimes.

The funny thing is that if the Left would lay off of 2A, I’d probably vote Democrat from here on out.

Don’t get me wrong - Roush isn’t out of line for asking that much for the power. I was reacting to seeing 727hp for $42,500 and getting all giddy, THEN noticing the disclaimer.

They’re not trying to make money by having it on the sales floor, they’re hoping she’ll break so they can sell it to someone else for a huge markup. It’s got nothing to do with bringing people in.

Starting at $42,500...

Another funny thing is that I prefer the exact opposite! My current daily, a C6 vette, is all about dat bass (er, low end). And what’s amazing is there are performance cars to suit us both. :-D

2.0l, 9000 RPM redline, 240 HP, and only 160 lb/ft of torque.
BMWs made significantly more off-the-line power. And you didn’t have to beat the engine like it owed you money.

Is that the Shat?

So sayeth the Flying Spaghetti Monster. May we be touched by His noodly appendage.