I Drive a Third Gen

You might not be able to steal them, but as a commenter I am not beholden to such journalistic standards.

Welp. it’s been nice having kids. They’ll be fine on their own.

They tried that. Three of the cops in attendance shot the video screen and a fourth threw a stolen handgun with a missing serial number.

Somewhere in a dark room are PILES of Q and Z stickers...

My dad had an ‘84 Berlinetta with a high output 305. The few times I got to drive it made me fall in love with them.

Jeep. Wrangler.

You sure it’s not a Lincoln?

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

“Fluid spill”...

New options on 2018 Porsches:

Oh, has Will.I.Am taken a position as head of design?

*COUGH* DAILY PORSCHE ADS *COUGH. Everybody’s pretty much all the way up somebody’s ass, it seems. It’s okay. Somebody’s gotta paid, or nobody gets read. Still, that Richard Rawlings is absolutely intolerable.

Since that’s a Honda, we can safely assume those were all metric bolts.

Honda over-stylized this entire car, with excessive wings and scoops and vents.

Coincidentally this is the same response I give my wife when asked when my performance will improve.

What’s that one all the way on the left for?

That’s one Tesla owner who managed to keep his head.

