
When Nidal shot up Ft. Hood, liberal media shouted down those who called it radical Islamic terrorism. They were insistent on the “workplace shooting” narrative, going so far as to concoct a medical history of the killer where he was oppressed and psychologically traumatized because of his ethnicity and religion. They

White people with saudi arabian names

4:03, intro for the Super Hornet. That’s a MiG-29!

Every time I see a folding laptop now, it reminds me of this:

1904 Haleson. Steam powered, bitches.

it's a 288 GTO EVO, a high performance version of the 288 GTO that was the precursor to the F40.

Assault Breacher Vehicle?

Russian missile trains always seemed pretty damned sinister to me. They're so dark and sinister I can just imagine some rusty missile train half-buried in a snow bank in all black just waiting...

A10, The gun that thought it was a plane.

Anytime Baby!

Really scary, didn't hurt too many people directly.

Gotta be the Tucker.

By the sound of things he hasn't done shit for himself yet, like most kids, except selling scarves to afford driving the car his parents bought him.

Ummm, that's a Noble M600...

Careful what you wish for