
It’s a combination scam. Some are just handed over as fees for “blessing”, but the scammers will also tell them particular jewelry or such they got is cursed and they need to do certain “rites” to cleanse them (and they got swapped with crap some time in between).

It’s the effect of living through wars and turmoil... The only thing you can trust is gold and jewelry you can carry. Hyperinflation made currency worthless.

These grifters get them to go to bank safe deposit boxes and take out jewelry and cash to be “blessed”, then switch them with worthless items when distracted.

They are trained,not attained.

It’s a cartoon. Don’t take it too seriously. :D It’s NOT supposed to make sense.

“Remix-ing” existing tanks by messing with the axles doesn’t change the design much, but if you insist...

My box spring is on the ground. There is no “under” my bed. :D

Doesn’t make a lick of practical difference.

A “teleporting airplane”? That makes as much sense as “hopping car” or “surfing submarine”.

How well does Evernote’s supposedly built-in OCR for searching work? I have premium but I’ve never really tested it that deeply.

In *some* instances you can grab a previous year implementation as a preview, but many I’m trying just ain’t working. I kinda want the UCSF Diabetes Course and Business Ethics Course, but those ain’t open.

I previously wrote a Tasker profile to add a command to Google Now called simply “Remember” that dumps any text that follows into Evernote as a Reminder.

I can’t get the Python script to work for un-open courses. Any one know what options to use? I have a Coursera account but I only enrolled for a few courses, and there’s a good chunk here I want to grab, and I keep erroring out until I enroll (for those that I can) via web browser.

I’d say this guy was actually romance scammed, not just catfished, except this guy’s self-preservation kicked in before she can spring the trap and squeeze him for money. Sooner or later, she’ll spring some sort of demand for money, like “Uh, I actually have some inheritance, but I can’t get to it yet. I need some

I enjoy research, but I’m just a guy with a keyboard.

A bit late, but I’ve ordered from Zenni, and I’ve ordered for my mom both Zenni and Goggles4U. I checked Warby Parker but none of their frames look right to me. Too... Yuppy-ish?

The comeback to that is “I hate hypocrites”. Who doesn’t?

I understand the reference, and I hate to say I actually have THREE of his games (or is that four, lost count somewhere).

Twit’s Security Now is reporting that Windows 10 now DEFAULTS to INSTALL if you close the window (via the upper right X) where it used to mean STFU.

Frankly, this is starting to sound more like a mix between Division, the old Ghost Recon... AND an open world shooter with fixed points like Far Cry 3/4. It may even have a plot. :)