What would be interesting...
What would be interesting...
That’s not genuine Western wear. That’s what “singing cowboys” wore back in the 1930's through 1950's (ref: Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, et al). It’s a showpiece. But then, that’s EXACTLY what we’d expect a self-fluffer to wear.
Agree. Playing Ghandhi ASSUMED that the other side is rational and moral. Bullies are not moral or rational by common standards. And the only way to deal with bullies is 1) get others to intervene (i.e. call for teacher) on your behalf, or 2) annihilate the bully so completely they never dare seek revenge.
Defeat the leader and the rest will run away. That’s how bully cliques work.
The Ghandi approach only works on RATIONAL opponents who *has* a moral code you can appeal to. It doesn’t work on fanatics and people with no common frame of reference. It may work if there’s an audience of people who can see the outrage and intervene on your behalf. But one-on-one? Not going to work.
I use Tomcat Rat traps. Kills them deader than dead. Same idea, I guess.
You leave the suburbs out of it, alright?
You’re sure its not toss bombing?
The saddest part would be these fraudsters / fraudstresses probably walking around today, back to wherever they came from (probably perping elsewhere in these bogus “pop-up” intervention centers) thinking they are “saving lives” and “doing Lord’s work”.
Not “no stick”... “Deadstick landing”, real pilot term:
Come down to Gilroy Garlic Festival this July... if you dare!
People looking for eye candy should be playing hentai games, not LoL.
Individually packed food for snacks may be worthwhile at dollar stores if you cannot or prefer not to buy at bulk.
Four turbines? No problem. You can get four baby turbines (for model planes) that generate up to 88 pounds of thrust EACH, each weighing about 9 pounds. Add frame, control equipment, fuel, and pilot, it’s still doable.
If he only recognizes Ten Commandments, it doesn’t say anything about SUING anybody in there, does it?
How nice they put hotspots in local public libraries.
EverCleanse (just kidding)
You know what this feels like? The STOCK MARKET portion of Sid Meier’s Classic Railroad Tycoon. Obviously it’s not direct correlation, but that’s the closest. Establish “routes”, build up industry, take over your rivals (or drive them out of business).
The fact it’s bull**** is the primary reason. The fact it could be used to get kids drunk is a bonus.