
It’s an unholy alliance between NK and C! :D

>>Except those videos games aren’t an official production of the US Government

Either that, or it’s a name that comes with the designation. :D

Not strictly mount related, but just a reminder... In California, it’s actually illegal to have a windshield-only suction mount... unless it’s placed in the lower left or lower right corner. I’ve read estimates that up to half of the 50 states have similar provisions.

My main problem with this model is it covered up the side buttons on my Moto X. Hypothetically I can stick something in the bottom to make it sit up higher, but defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

Only if you moved well away from the center, iirc

With modern 360 off-bore aiming HMDST (head-mounted display search and track) handing targeting off to advanced IR missiles such maneuverability is indeed only for show. A missile can turn far faster than plane, no matter how many G’s the plane pulls. And VIFFing had been done by Harrier jumpjets for a long time. The

Tried it. Not a bad idea, but it was kinda painful trying to get it to engage my Doggcatcher app rather than Google Play Music, the default. I unchecked Google Play Music, checked Doggcatcher, and it kept rechecking GPM. Turns out I had to go back to music, click on the menu button (upper left) then force it to pick

Naturalistic fallacy, I. E. Appeal to nature. Anything “natural” is good, anything industrial is not.

Skeptoid has an episode on this

India, like China, are suffering from the rapid modernization, when the old tribal ways of doing things are running into modern justice and human rights system.

Wait... She heard about you two being sick fed the soup to the dogs any way, and didn’t keep the dog outside? It’s almost as if she was expecting a karma hit...

I just bought this one. It’s... okay. The mode twist is a bit hard to turn (really needs a tab at TWO locations, rather than just one) and the A / B / A+B switch is up on top and again, tab is quite small for easy op in shower.

I just bought this one. It’s... okay. The mode twist is a bit hard to turn (really needs a tab at TWO locations,

You need to install a separate “holder” for the movable sprout.

You need to install a separate “holder” for the movable sprout.

Don’t have any sense of scale, but one of the considerations is launch tube size. Unlike scifi, subs don’t really have huge open “bays” that you can drop stuff out of. Almost all stuff goes through the few openings and/or the torpedo tubes.

I’d go a step further: Auto / AC dual purpose charger (2 USB ports) and a battery pack, just in case. AND cables. TWO USB cables.

My guess is they need to cast the whole head because they need both the head AND the shoulder/neck area to complete the ‘suit’. May as well do it in a single cast.

You mean scatplay

What about naproxym?

I use this in my car... binder clip goes on the vents. :) One clips my BT adapter, another clips my phone power cord.