@ksan: Wait I see it. Wow way to go Samsung... way to effing go.
@ksan: Wait I see it. Wow way to go Samsung... way to effing go.
@Killjoy: You sir hit the nail on the head so to speak.
@hatesninjas: Wait did I miss something? I didn't see anything that said includes Froyo.
I just bought an Aquos last year and now you have to tell me how potentially awesome the Panny set is!?
@OMGWTF_BBQ: My coworker's Droid Incredible kept looping to a blank web page because LP expired on her.
I want! How much?
@D.Mobile!: Well I didn't go into a T-Mo store, but even at BB, I had to ask them for the Demo unit. It was behind the desk and not out among the other demo units.
""Holy shit." It's not what usually comes to mind when I touch a new phone. But Samsung's Infuse 4G is spectacular. Ridiculously good 4.5-inch screen. 1.2GHz processor. 4G on AT&T. Why, exactly, wasn't this the new Nexus phone?"
That was awesome. Whoever thought of that should have gotten a fat Holiday bonus.
@TheFutur3: beat me to it, good sir.
"Policeman Kent Lipple commented that "he punched him so hard there was a mark on the teen's arm."
@albokay: lol, I was over at one of the AT&T's office and was talking to some folks during lunch about that. Not surprisingly, there are those inside those walls that share our sentiment for choice. Person(s) with a higher pay grade tend to make those choices for the rest of us.
@Pucksr: Actually I know that. Just like TouchWiz is a Samsung paint job over Android. In my post I said manufacturer and not wireless carrier. Which is why, for example, consumers that bought a Galaxy S branded phone will have TouchWiz on their device no matter which of the 4 major US carriers they have. Except for…
@ItsMeMasih: That would suck for those of us that don't want to use a CDMA device. All this talk about dual-core and 1080p playback, but nothing on the quality of the screen. I hope it's up to par.
I won't be upgrading to 3D until they lose the glasses that everyone has to wear.
@beenyweenies: It would be awesome if they shipped vanilla across all carriers and you can just go to the Market and install the UI you wanted from the manufacturer like you do with ADW and Launcher Pro.
Went to Best Buy and played with it in person. Coming from a Vibrant, I kept hitting the wrong capacitive keys, but not a big deal. Here are my impressions.
@RaindropBebop: Thank_you_
@AmphetamineCrown: You sir win.
It's probably colored that way so it's not mistaken for an actual SMG...