
I doubt that even in a few months Apple would be able to get the 20million sets of parts in time, factories have contracts, like the one Apple has with Samsung, they wouldn't drop their old client, in a breach of contract, just to pick up Apple. Samsung on the other hand would have an open factory ready to mass

"Oh, our production has sharply declined because one of our machines broke, sorry, for the next short while we won't be able to make said products."

I'm sure that the 45.68 is 100% profit for Samsung, they pay NOTHING to make these parts at all.

Last time I went to Poland I was too young to care, but I think the "GM ####" would work just fine, it lets people who care to know know, and those who don't, can ignore it.

So I go to a very (insert religion here) intense country, and preach (insert religion here) intent doesn't matter, it's a dumb fucking idea, and if I get mocked, I get over it, remember that good old saying before the last 15 years that PC took over this world, whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

This is the tech the $25,000 monkey wrenches and $75,000 toilets gets us?

So I shouldn't have been bullied if I were to have gone to an all black school as the only white kid chanting racist slogans? You bring it upon yourself, you're fair game.

They also patented the lawsuit I hear.

I thought the basis of the "It looks too much like my product suit" is "my customers are morons and might buy theirs instead of mine" however, the Xoom has "MOTOROLA" written on the front of it, and is much smaller.

Please, tell me you would LOVE to have a circular tablet, what the fuck kind of resolution would that be? Samsung has been making Flat Panel TVs a LOT longer than Apple has been using the little circle at the bottom, but my Samsung has a circle for a button on the front, and a few on the side, it's black, and

How about required by law to have a label that says "GM" and a # after it, that number would be searchable on the FDA website and it would explain all of it, from the simple to the more complex.

This is different from a penpal in jail how?

I think what you meant was "U MAD BRO??"

I agree, when is Samsung gonna sue Toshiba, or Sony sue Panasonic, "They can't tell my TV from theirs, although a simple "SAMSUNG" in silver across the top of the Tab would probably be a good idea.

Born this Way?

The fact that an album of this magnitude didn't get released is big news, whether you care for the artist or not.

So does anyone know WHY they're rioting?

Or I can just use Gvoice like I've been doing for my free texting.

No no, that's too small, Jobs word is the word of God.

Soap on a rope, how have you not heard of it?