
Why should they never have access to social media? They should be kept from society until they come out, only to commit more crimes because you believe in retribution and not rehabilitation?

I hear reading the article helps

Yea, only use for cellphones, facebook.

I agree, the drug dealers are crapping all over people's rights to stay sober...oh wait...

Even at a million FPS the glass shatters in the blink of an eye...

Why not make a satellite that can smack it into the atmosphere.

IMO they should hire thousands of people to go around and make sure every address is correct, or be happy you get a free map service that happens to also have GPS on certain phones, oh yea, and it's free.

" and knowingly went on to collect the crossbred seed, then replant and harvest it the next year."

In other words we don't have the right to know what we're eating.

how about the fact that these companies lobby enough to keep our government from branding GM food from GM food. They don't let us know what we're eating.

Fuck Monsanto, look em up, they're assholes.

I agree, blame Canada.

Yea, is am I the only one who still uses my phone and likes it near me when it's charging, I don't sit directly next to an outlet.

People can make it quick, kinda like a chef puts work into plating. It's art, and it's edible.

Doesn't 3G go upwards of 1.5 or so, I think it goes even higher.

So in other words

Or sell these patents to said corporate thieves.

Almost 9000, 8,926

I mean, maybe "Pretty slick" isn't quite right, but it's not bad, and at the end of the day, if you want to get a good pic, use a camera, not you're phone.

Or considering they have that 1 baby rule, and people kill their babies regularly, what better way to get rid of the body, not that anyone in China cares if you kill your baby.