
You can do this, Google it up. It’s under system, backup, etc something along those lines. Backs up everything... I just did it a few weeks ago when I installed a 2tb Samsung drive, transferred everything to a 500gb external drive, then into the new one once it was in.

pew pew pew.

I’ve never heard someone sound like such an asshole while trying to be helpful.

Meesa thinks we give Automatic Missile Defense Network control over AAALL bombad nuclear missles, okiday?

Frankly, at this point I’m going out of my way to make Back to the Future references just to annoy people who are easily bothered by people enjoying things. It’s super fun!

Ensure that the bottom of the pot is higher than the level of the water in the glass, or it might end up sucking all the water out of the glass right away. Which is a problem when using a larger container than a glass of water — I once came back to water everywhere and a plant with a stupid grin on its face.