
alright thanks, i’ll check out the matchmaking sites - i used to play a lot by myself (level 26, i think) but never managed to meet people to make fire teams with.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :,(

my problem is, i have 4 friends on PSN :,(

you look the fool now he’s updated his comment.


did he actually confirm this? what i got from his video was that a small camera team approched him for a interview. I can’t imagine him leaving his fans on youtube - he cries for about 6 minutes in a video about going on a holiday and leaving them (and then vlogs his entire holiday). he’s very loyal to his youtube

Was really hoping for a step-by-step guide Adam.

I’d assume slightly higher than people that did not read *any* tech news site - as readers show an interest in science by choosing to read about these sorts of subjects.

Your car;

A lot of girls in Thailand have the “equipment”

I really liked The Happening.

why did you buy it a few weeks ago, knowing about a possible new model being released so soon after? I sure the price of the model you just bought will drop in the coming weeks too.

Thank you so so much for this!!! I couldn’t work out what the OP was trying to get at without you. Really, well done. Give yourself a pat on the back buddy. A*.

fair enough, but reading the article it does seem like they are trying to make it sound worse than it is;

very relevant image, but that could be a 5000 dollar laser for all you know.

Okay it may diffuse to 40ft, any idea on the brightness of the laser beam at this distance? You wouldn’t be able to see it..

bullshit a laser would diffuse that much over such a short distance, guy

what’s the point of deleting the stock apps on Android though, there’s no good apps to take their place. Lols

haha why’s that?