
“If it wasn’t him ...”

I think it’s the idea that girls (and women) are either ‘just slutty’ or ‘frigid, good girls’ with nothing in between.

The software company I worked for based all its scheduled on a 45+ hour employee work week, (employees were not officially told of this requirement) and we were constantly failing to meet deadlines. If everyone is working overtime just to keep up when everything is going well then there is no buffer for when things

True, this story is not a worst case scenario. Another thing to consider is that she miscarried - this would have been so much more horrible with an infant involved. I hope the 14 year old gets some therapy, that is way too much crap to deal with on her own.

He might actually raise more money if he left the 9/11 thing out of it. Crashing a plane into a building (safely) is kinda cool. Building an expensive, entirely inaccurate 9/11 model is dumb.

As a legal alien myself, I have to say that the dehumanizing and antiquated language used would not even make the top ten list of things broken in the immigration system.

All of a woman’s motivations center around her reproductive organs.

Personally, I think Canadian anti-vaxxers are crazier as they don’t even have to pay for the vaccines. IIRC science, math, and health classes are less fraught with controversy in Canada so you have to try much harder to be an idiot.

Not enough to force doctors to lie to their patients, now they are mandating unnecessary and potentially dangerous procedures as well.

Whether a drug passes through to the baby depends on which drug it is. What effect it has depends on the drug, how mature the fetus is, and probably a little on Mom’s metabolism, stress level, and pain tolerance. Anything administered to the fetus could pass back to the mother - though the amounts used should

I think his family is punished enough for having a compassion free murderer in the family.

My heart goes out to you, panic attacks are awful. I've only had a few in my life but the experience is unforgettable.

Come to the dark side, we have wookie cookies?

I’m against anyone releasing a cloud of irritating, persistent stink in public without a solid biological reason.

A la carte health care plans would be horrifying. The paperwork now is impenetrable, imagine if you had to pick and choose levels of coverage for every accident and disease. ::shudder::

There is no freedom like the freedom of women being told by men what clothing makes them free.

Not sure about the US, but in Canada the law generally provides that if you believed you were purchasing/selling/handling illegal items you are culpable regardless of whether the item is actually illegal.

Well, Darling’s home has been raided. Darling is arrested and is Internet, pagan, and historian hated.

This is why they need to teach. Computer programming in schools. People need to learn there is a difference between a word and an idea, and between an idea and an object or behavior.

Can we declare LGBT a religion? That seems like the only way to assure discrimination is not legally protected.