
I think his family is punished enough for having a compassion free murderer in the family.

My heart goes out to you, panic attacks are awful. I've only had a few in my life but the experience is unforgettable.

Come to the dark side, we have wookie cookies?

I’m against anyone releasing a cloud of irritating, persistent stink in public without a solid biological reason.

A la carte health care plans would be horrifying. The paperwork now is impenetrable, imagine if you had to pick and choose levels of coverage for every accident and disease. ::shudder::

There is no freedom like the freedom of women being told by men what clothing makes them free.

Not sure about the US, but in Canada the law generally provides that if you believed you were purchasing/selling/handling illegal items you are culpable regardless of whether the item is actually illegal.

Well, Darling’s home has been raided. Darling is arrested and is Internet, pagan, and historian hated.

This is why they need to teach. Computer programming in schools. People need to learn there is a difference between a word and an idea, and between an idea and an object or behavior.

Can we declare LGBT a religion? That seems like the only way to assure discrimination is not legally protected.

Maybe that’s why the bill had to be run through really fast — if any of those progressive areas got word of what was happening it wouldn’t have happened.

The luncheon makes it worse in my mind. A nice civilized lunch for the tech women (networking with other tech women), then later women-as-objects later for the guys. It makes the division between “smart women” and “bad girls” exaggerated while reinforcing the sexism for the dominate male contingent.

Every woman dreams of finding a man who is so resentful of her he feels he needs to sexually harass, extort money, and ruin the lives of huge numbers of women. I’m sure he won’t turn on you just because he thinks you are the source of all his problems.

Whose idea was it to put the most sensitive bits on the outside, that’s just ridiculous.

Personally I would have liked one of those fancy dressage war horse moves but I don’t think police horses are trained for that.

If Uber is dismissing rape complaints so carelessly, could they be legally culpable if those complaints show a pattern of assaults? There’s a difference between skipping background checks and ignoring ongoing behavior.

At four years old he probably won't remember it directly, but I'm sure he's going to hear the story retold often enough to make for trauma.

Could I hire you to throw a tantrum for me?

I think beliefs should be respected, you can sit there a nd believe whatever you want. It’s when those beliefs conflict with the real world around you that you need to evaluate them.

How could he be the tempter if he isn’t, you know, tempting?