I think it’s important to shatter the misconception that abuse only happens to weak people who don’t stand up for themselves. It’s a pervasive for of victim blaming and makes it harder for victims to accept help.
I think it’s important to shatter the misconception that abuse only happens to weak people who don’t stand up for themselves. It’s a pervasive for of victim blaming and makes it harder for victims to accept help.
Some depression symptoms match up with what she’s reported (aches, exhaustion). It might be that depression is the primary illness but she's looking for a more socially acceptable diagnosis.
As someone with chronic migraines (another ‘imaginary’ disease) I really hate it when health issues are misrepresented. It just leads to more people doubting those who are suffering, and more people spouting stupid cures.
Every combative subject gets shot. It must be a damned short training course.
I think officers need some training in spotting illnesses too — a bystander might not recognize an epileptic seizure and know what number to call. That's no excuse for the police to apply a taser because the seizure victim won't respond to commands.
Right now paramedics are asked to go into many of the same situations as police officers —differently worded 911 requests, domestic incidents, or just coincidental violence on a call. They only rarely have armed backup but still manage to negotiate heated situations.
I have insurance, but I’ve learned not to ask for painkillers the times I’ve ended up in the ER (for migraines). They’ll offer painkillers if I ask for fluids and anti-emetics but if I ask for painkillers they'll give me Benedryl.
Hey, I know a Wisconsin politician that sure seems like a scumbag to me . . .
Where should they aim?
It scares me that there might need to be a law forbidding shackling of prisoners with mobility problems, prisoners with wounded limbs, prisoners with seizure disorders ... Pregnant women are not the most vulnerable group out there, they are just the most politically expedient.
Quick! Someone send Trump a copy of “Everybody Poops”. His head will explode and we’ll be safe from his politics.
Has anyone told them that HIV is bad for fetuses? Mom doesn’t get tested, she can’t take the appropriate preventative drugs, baby is born with HIV. We’ve already established that fetuses aren’t to be removed due to their (potentially rapist) fathers or (potentially to young, too poor, too sick) mothers.
I would have thought that shackling anyone would be an extraordinary event. That there would be records of every exercise of extraordinary measures.
There are no perfect victims.
Nothing more reassuring than hearing someone say that they aren’t going to kill you. Especially when they chant it over and over like they are having trouble remembering.
That’s the bit I don’t understand. They couldn’t turn off the music or change the song? Personally, I’d be fine stuck wherever (due to having a book with me at all times) but if the music wouldn’t stop I’d probably beat the speaker to tiny shards.
Accept one pomegranate seed and you are stuck in Hades forever. I think I’d prefer the king of hell to Cosby though.
A can of pink spray paint goes a long way ...
A few nursing students in my anatomy class couldn’t reference genitalia at all (male or female). I think if you can’t say the word you shouldn’t be responsible for it (medically or regulatory).
As a migraineur, I hate scented candles with the fury of a thousand suns. However, if you are going to drive me to a dark room and inadequate painkillers for a few days I can only hope you've been billed out of as much money as possible.