
The underlying assumption being that if a male coworker had a kid, he’d have no problem ignoring them in favor of his career? Children being the only reason anyone would want something in their life other than career.

If you videotaped a murder and only showed the bit when the victim is no longer struggling it wouldn't look much like a crime either, right?

President Lindsey Graham isn’t nearly as terrifying as President Kasich. He’s running, and as a “moderate” republican who hasn’t said or done anything ridiculously stupid he supposedly has a good chance at the presidency.

The only reason these guys are desperate to find women with “low numbers” is because they know they cannot survive any comparison. Sad.

Cool! Where is the video of this classroom interaction? It has way more information than I've seen elsewhere.

Retroactive continuity is for comics, not politics.

The spotlight will move on, but she will still be stuck in place as the ignorant, hateful woman who used religion and her job as an excuse to make people miserable. Her legacy is that she went to jail in order to preserve her sense of self righteousness.

Screw no-tip. That should have been a get-me-your-manager-this-instant full-on hissy fit.

No, no, you are being TRICKED into having an abortion because women are to dumb to realize that PP reps are only after the sweet, sweet research fetus money. If only there was some politician to save us from getting health care from misleading doctors and nurses when there is perfectly good medical information

Bloomberg thought that the same amount of money that was failing to provide necessary public services could also support a profit for private individuals and increase available services? That is some crazy magical thinking right there.

Not sure you could go into politics after vowing “First do no harm”

If a county clerk can ignore the consititution in favor of her beliefs, why can’t a president?

I think this might be the first time they mocked a group that is both universally loved, and very quick to mobilize. Nobody gets organized faster than nurses.

I would have expected coyote to be the missing predator. Shows what I know. Also, do they not have a racing greyhound rescue near there?

I think this is why we had “women won’t vote for female candidates” crap floating around.

When they do studies about which professionals are best able to coordinate in stressful situations, where there is minimal communication and unclear guidelines etc. Nurses routinely rate higher than any other profession. Higher than firefighters. Higher than sports teams. On par with military strike teams.

No . . . too much risk we’ll find out she has a sister.

It’s a lot easier to focus on a typo than to process the needless death of a child.

I don’t think either depression or bipolar disorder renders a person incapable of determing that a child needs food and water sometime in a two day period. It could be that she has some other, undiagnosed, disorder but there is no reason to think her health is at fault any more than if she was deaf in one ear or had a

Only if the lightening strike was followed by conversion to Buddism (or to a pile of blackened ashes.)