
Not sure you could go into politics after vowing “First do no harm”

If a county clerk can ignore the consititution in favor of her beliefs, why can’t a president?

I think this might be the first time they mocked a group that is both universally loved, and very quick to mobilize. Nobody gets organized faster than nurses.

I would have expected coyote to be the missing predator. Shows what I know. Also, do they not have a racing greyhound rescue near there?

I think this is why we had “women won’t vote for female candidates” crap floating around.

When they do studies about which professionals are best able to coordinate in stressful situations, where there is minimal communication and unclear guidelines etc. Nurses routinely rate higher than any other profession. Higher than firefighters. Higher than sports teams. On par with military strike teams.

No . . . too much risk we’ll find out she has a sister.

It’s a lot easier to focus on a typo than to process the needless death of a child.

I don’t think either depression or bipolar disorder renders a person incapable of determing that a child needs food and water sometime in a two day period. It could be that she has some other, undiagnosed, disorder but there is no reason to think her health is at fault any more than if she was deaf in one ear or had a

Only if the lightening strike was followed by conversion to Buddism (or to a pile of blackened ashes.)

I wonder . . . if the Kentucky legislature is mostly Democratic maybe they like seeing the Republican presidential candidates parade the crazy woman around (I doubt she’s pulling a lot of moderate support). If the legislature is mostly Republican, maybe they are trying to stay the hell away from the argument to avoid

It seems like it would be against her interests for the marriage licenses without her name to be declared null. The official reason she’s out of jail is because she agreed not to stand in the way of licenses being produced by her clerks — ie. the job is still getting done. If the licenses produced are not valid then

Get toys. Lego is available in any color scheme. Entertains guests during inevitable pauses for photographer or whatever. Added bonus: also wedding favors.

I think there is a dismiss-with-prejudice option for civil courts, sort of a get out and stay out. Is there something like that the appeals court could do? There should be a way to stop her lawyers from wasting so much judicial time.

Hate speech and inciting violence are both crimes in Canada, and not misdemeanors IIRC.

Palin fails the Turing Test every time she opens her mouth. ELIZA was more believable.

I'm sure she can see the Rapture from her house.

So glad I had my green card before getting married.

I had a coworker who was informed by her mother-in-law that for the duration of the pregnancy and nursing she could not consume anything sweet, sour, spicy, warmer than room temperature, colder than room temperature, caffeinated, carbonated, or anything containing red meat. As far as I know my coworker followed the

Of course she wants to live in the past if she has no knowledge of history and assumes she’d be part of the upper class. She seems to think skirts and corsets were the sum total of historical concerns.