Hah, I was thinking more like:
Hah, I was thinking more like:
I'm still waiting for the pacifist who refuses to give gun licenses or hunting licenses — or refuses to serve veterans who may have been involved in violent actions.
I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be worried that the president would abuse the power of his office to ignore the constitution in favor of his faith. I guess it's okay so long as the faith involved is Christian, not secret-Muslim.
I kinda wonder if that is what happened. They took a watered down homeopathic ‘treatment’ with the drug to prove the treatment worked.
I never considered the knife-in-hand behavior, it’s a miracle no one has been sliced yet. The decorators work in tight, messy quarters and use whatever is in hand to gesture. Add in the slippery, frosting covered floor ...
I took a class in high school that was advertised like that — how to budget, how to read a loan document etc. What I got was how to duplicate Chef Boyardee dinners using ketchup, how to iron a shirt and the six steps of making cheese. The cheese thing was on the final.
Note: the solution to the hassling is, “I just lent my truck to my cousin and he moved three loads of manure for his garden. Still can’t get the bed clean enough to get rid of the odor, but I guess you can borrow it if you don’t mind the stink.”
I got a similar, if less stabby, lecture on my first day at a bakery about knives being dropped in the sink of wash water. Made perfect sense to me that you wouldn’t want to reach below the suds and feel around for a knife. Spent the rest of my time there trying to convince the long time employees to please not drop…
If you come across any organization presenting itself as wanting the best for you, wanting you to be your best self, we are a family etc you should pick up your shit and run.
Seemed more like Strex Corp from ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ to me. “Believe in a Smiling God” ::shudder:: It wouldn’t surprise me if they had the black helicopters.
Has anyone pointed out to her that the word “America” is a mispronouniation of the Latin version of the name of an Italian explorer?
And that’s it for this episode of ‘Famous People Say Offensive Things’, tune in next week for that rock star you thought was dead, that guy who was in that movie your cousin liked, and at least three Republican Presidential Candidates.
Everything after -10 is known as “Palin”
I think it’s worth noting that it’s probably a lot more difficult to raise children to make their own rational decisions. Saying ‘do it this way or you will go to hell’ is a lot easier than coaching a four year old to realize why one should not smack one’s siblings, or eat cake for every meal, or throw rocks.
She became a county clerk three years after her wipe-the-slate-clean conversion, so it’s not like she didn’t know that the job requirements might conflict with her convictions. Even if same-sex marriage legality is new other types of marriage disallowed by her scripture are certainly happening. Non-virgin marriage,…
Mine was “why does God need me to give him money?” in Sunday school. I would have been a better Christian with less exposure to Christianity.
I think it’s always been world’s-hardest-job just in a different way — it was the-job-men-can’t-do for a very long time. The moms who were portrayed in lipstick and heels were also dependant on Valium and gave their kids Benedryl for nap time. Before that was war-time rationing but I’d bet Mom found some way to get a…
YES! The message is: “Don’t look at yourself because your very face will destroy your self esteem and ruin your life! Here are some platitudes instead. Love the platitudes. Live the platitudes.”
I guess theoretically since one should be able to breast feed in public one should also be able to breast pump in public . . . but given the number of people afraid of women’s nipples I think that’s not how it’s going to work.
A year of paid parental leave would make that breast-milk-pumping issue a much smaller problem, hmm?