Has anyone pointed out to her that the word “America” is a mispronouniation of the Latin version of the name of an Italian explorer?
Has anyone pointed out to her that the word “America” is a mispronouniation of the Latin version of the name of an Italian explorer?
And that’s it for this episode of ‘Famous People Say Offensive Things’, tune in next week for that rock star you thought was dead, that guy who was in that movie your cousin liked, and at least three Republican Presidential Candidates.
Everything after -10 is known as “Palin”
I think it’s worth noting that it’s probably a lot more difficult to raise children to make their own rational decisions. Saying ‘do it this way or you will go to hell’ is a lot easier than coaching a four year old to realize why one should not smack one’s siblings, or eat cake for every meal, or throw rocks.
She became a county clerk three years after her wipe-the-slate-clean conversion, so it’s not like she didn’t know that the job requirements might conflict with her convictions. Even if same-sex marriage legality is new other types of marriage disallowed by her scripture are certainly happening. Non-virgin marriage,…
Mine was “why does God need me to give him money?” in Sunday school. I would have been a better Christian with less exposure to Christianity.
I think it’s always been world’s-hardest-job just in a different way — it was the-job-men-can’t-do for a very long time. The moms who were portrayed in lipstick and heels were also dependant on Valium and gave their kids Benedryl for nap time. Before that was war-time rationing but I’d bet Mom found some way to get a…
YES! The message is: “Don’t look at yourself because your very face will destroy your self esteem and ruin your life! Here are some platitudes instead. Love the platitudes. Live the platitudes.”
I guess theoretically since one should be able to breast feed in public one should also be able to breast pump in public . . . but given the number of people afraid of women’s nipples I think that’s not how it’s going to work.
A year of paid parental leave would make that breast-milk-pumping issue a much smaller problem, hmm?
YES! “This is for adults only” loses pretty fast to “drink too much and you’ll be stumbling around red faced like Uncle at last Thanksgiving”. Teens and tweens give a lot more attention to potential embarrassment than parental edicts.
If it doesn’t screw up the kids idea of alcohol, it’s sure going to mess up their idea of parenting and their parents in particular. But then, I’m pretty sure that “mommyjuice” is a sign that there is an adult failing at adulting. Not much different from “Mother’s Little Helper”, our best friend Valium.
In addition to offering a small amount of whatever alcoholic beverage the adults were enjoying, and my grandmother’s intensive need to put rum in desserts, my parents were pretty honest about what was happening with the, as you say, boozy members of the family. A little is okay, but a lot makes you sick — just like…
I think he’s just too juiced on Republican Talking Points to be able to adjust the message to different audiences. He’s not able to give a “this is how government works” speech without pushing the agenda. He probably calls his grandmother on her birthday and talks about suicide bombers.
Might be hard to reconcile vaporizing the whole planet with a magical guy who lives at the North Pole and grants wishes at Christmas.
In second and third grade I don’t think we covered anything scarier than “don’t play in traffic” and fire drills. We didn’t start WWII stuff until fourth grade, and that in a school named after a WWII poet. That was in Canada though, I know they go in heavier for the early indoctrination down here.
I’m happy that the plantiffs thought this through enough to stifle her attempts as Saintly Christian Martyrdom. The stained glass window of a woman in a denim skirt bravely handing over cash so that she can protect a pile of papers just isn’t going to hold up against the stabbings and burning and such.
With God, people are not moral either — as this story deftly proves.
It’s the great secret of life. Nobody really cares what you believe.
Why is Fox news not yet classified as a hate group?